Hello and welcome back to the blog section of my site. It's about dang time I posted the detail shots of work completed in May 2024. It was a light month for me, so I only painted 3 faceups and finished most of a complex body blush with tattoos that goes with one of the faceups.
I got to paint a BonBon Galaxy Bone Fish and a Killer Whale faceplate respectively (still need to finish the body from the latter), and I painted an Island Doll First Shukaku (new) on the first 46cm Strong Boy body. Before I jump into the main part of the blog, I wanted to thank you all for sticking with me and commissioning me. It's really helpful in my current situation to have this support. So thank you! Oh, and I restructured my examples page for how I display completed faceups. There was a bug on my website editing web platform that caused all of my faceup examples to just, poof. The software engineers were able to fix the issue after some hours, and restored my images, but they were in the wrong order and without the descriptions. So I finally took the plunge and redid that section. I don't know if I should post older examples into the Glam section, since I've trying to stay within the last 2 years. Please let me know in the comments what you think, thanks!! Now without further ado, onto the pictures under the break!
Hello and welcome back to the blog on my website! Today's update features everything I completed this past October of 2023, and boy it's quite a bit!! Seven faceups and four sets of hands.
This blog entry is special as it features my 600th faceup, and I am just so proud of my progress the last 12 years since I've started painting dolls. Basically I average 50 faceups a year at this rate, though my faceup output has definitely decreased the past couple of years, as I've taken on a lot of body aesthetic commissions as well. I will post about that though in December when I wrap up this year. Either way, today I will share a Fairyland RealFee Toki and a Coco, a Resinsoul Ai, a Telesthesia Doll XunYiChao, a Smart Doll Chaos G07 head, a Fairyland Feeple60 Mirwen with 2 sets of hands, a set of Fairyland Minifee hands, and a Doll Leaves Theresa along with a pair of her hands. Onto some pictures and ramblings under the break! First things first, I want to thank all of you for sticking with me these past 2 months of hardly any updating. There's been a bad heatwave followed by a rough cold snap, and now the weather keeps changing from sunny to storming within the same day and it's done a number on my head (I suffer from migraines).
Anyway, I did get a few things done still in July that I wanted to share here. I managed to complete 3 faceups and two little Baby Mossling figures by Goblin Tales BJD. The faceups are on a Soom Heliot from the free choice event in 2011, a Soom Obsidius from this year (2023), and the redo on the MYOU 1/6 scale Gina. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! Thank you to everyone that has commissioned me since I opened up commissions in October. It took a bit to get my slots filled up, so I haven't officially closed commissions yet. October I didn't have terribly much to work on, but I do have some things to share! Today I am only sharing the work I did in October, November has already been busy and it's only day 9.
Things I worked on and completed in October are a Popovy Sisters Bony on the Body III, then a Popovy Sisters Little Owl on the Body II, a Frappzilla Moon Polaris, and my Kana Doll No. 8 Lucien. Please note that there is full doll nudity in this post as I did two body blushes. Without further ado, onto some pictures below the break! I don't have as much work to show for the month of June as I normally do as I was sick for half of it. But I did manage to get some stuff worked on and finished before and on the tailend of my illness.
I still have lots of commissions to finish up, so slots will remain closed for now until my load lightens a bit. Thank you for understanding, I am hoping to re-open slots at the end of this month. I got two faceups and a body blush done in June. One faceup is on a Faewoods Dolls Delphinium, and the other was done on a Doll Leaves Betty along with her body. Without further ado, onto some pictures and rambling under the break! Hello all! It's been a hot minute since I last posted, not for lack of having you content to post, but rather I had a lot of errangs and appointments these past couple of weeks. I am so grateful for everyone that commissioned me through my birthday sale last month, it's been a tremendous boost of confidence and joy!
I am still expecting a few commissions to come in, therefore I am still keeping my slots closed for now. But in better news, I have a lot of new things to share! I have an Asleep Eidolon Agnes in SD scale, a Doll Family-A Auriel, a Dollzone Ivana set of wings, a Luts KDF Summer Event 2013 head, and a set of Smart Doll hands. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break! I was busy in November, and now in December too, so I got a couple of new things to show! I repainted my Lost Chronicles Allurial, and two commission faceups on a Faewoods Dolls Orchidaceae and an Immortality of Soul (old) Jaguar.
I have a good start on my remaining commissions as well, so those should be done soon once the weather stops pouring rain or being too humid. Anyway, without further ado, onto some pictures below the break! I have managed to send off all the remaining boxes of commissions I had completed so it was time to re-open slots! If you've been waiting for a chance to commission me, now is the time!
Anyway, I have a couple of new faceups to share here today! In today's post I will show a Doll Leaves Evan with the long elf ears, a LoongSoul ShenLuo beast version (whose faceup I don't really like how it turned out, but I will redo it at a later date), and a Telesthesia Doll Long Tianqi. All of them are my own dolls. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! The last week I was a busy busy bee and knocked out 3 parts of a 5 part commission! The parts I did were face ups on two Ringdoll Alice 01 sculpts in normal skin, and a 2D Doll Cream in light tan. They all had small variances and I was able to finish them within a few days (the weather has been foggy and I've had a lot of errands).
Now all that's missing is to paint two LoongSoul Poi pet dolls and I can re-open commissions! Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! Since I have run out of commissions, and don't have any new ones lined up, I've been redoing my own dolls. That's something I need to periodically do anyway, heh. This past week I had my Soom Beyla/Glot/Eliv with a Peapod Doll mermaid tail, and April Story Betty along with her hands on my work desk to be repainted. Without further ado, onto some pictures! So here we have my April Story Betty as well as her hands. Her hands had gotten horribly chipped since the last time I painted them. The blue french tip was a last minute decision, but I'm glad I did! Her face acquired two more piercings since last time (yes, I do applied piercings and can even imbed them in the resin if so requested), and her eyebrows are lighter to match her new wig! A quick comparison of her last and current face up. Her scar is less red this time, but still there. It simply looks more healed than previously. If you'd like to see a picture of her with her wig, I have one in the Owner Gallery! Next up is my Soom Beyla OE/human head in cream white. She's a little siren girl, so scales were a must! She was quite the restoration process. I'm at least her 3rd owner, and for some parts I'm at least the 4th. Her body is a Soom Glot torso with Soom Eliv arms and ears, and a Peapod Doll mermaid tail that I later uncovered to be a sakura pink color AND one of 2 with a fade from dark butt to lighter fin in this color! What a special little girl! I scored her on the DoA MP for a good price. She was double painted (as in she was painted once, and then painted over again without removing the previous paint job), and boy was that annoying to remove. First things first, I took her apart (some of her joints were glued together from acrylic paint...) and threw her to soak in some 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I started with the little bowl to clean her torso of the caked on paint and the glitter. After much scrubbing I got at least her torso clean. Her hands were still with a lot of paint on them, so I left them to soak longer. I quickly realized she'd need to soak fully in alcohol for at least 24 hours to remove the remaining paint. So I did that. I poured 500ml of alcohol into some tupperware and put all her painted tail pieces in there. So here my suspicion of her fin being pink was confirmed! Under the hot pink and white paint was a layer of purple and gold. The purple and gold paint sadly stained her a little in places, but that's nothing I can't hide with the new blush job! After 1.5 days of soaking in 99.9% isopropyl alcohol, she was finally as clean as I was going to be able to get her. I replaced all the elastic in her and restrung her. She can do some cute things with her tail! Her face up is above obviously, but I haven't documented her body blush yet. So here she is all painted and refreshed! I slathered her in Aztec Gold PearlEx shimmer pigment after blushing her with reds. Please excuse the cruddy cell phone picture, my camera on my phone is getting dated...
The clothing is just spare stuff I had laying around, but the wig is hers and the eyes I specially made for her too. I wanted her to shimmer between gold and red as her parents are a Siren and a Fire Elemental. I think she suits them both! I'm so glad I got her after all as I'd been eyeing her on the MP for a few weeks already, trying to talk myself out of her. But I've wanted a YoSD mermaid for years now and was super sad when Peapod Doll closed... Either way, all's good! That's all from me for now, until next time! I managed to crank out this weekend another commission, this time it was artist choice. The head is a Fairyland Feeple60 Chloe, the first Fairyland Chloe I've ever worked on. I've always joked that I'm not popular enough to paint one as I've literally never been commissioned to paint one. The sculpt is very doe-eyed and has lips for days. Without further ado, onto some pictures! I'm usually hesitant to do artist choice, because the possibilities seem so endless, and I always have the worry of "will the client like this???", but it went well with this one as the client owns several heads they just like to go wild on. I've always wanted to do another butterfly wing along the eyes face up, as the first one I did was more like fiery wings than specifically butterfly ones.
Her ears were already pierced, so I put hoops in with little stars dangling from them. I think it's a cute touch! Now I just need to pack her up and get a shipping estimate back to the client. I'm still open for commissions! My slots are not even half filled currently, so if you'd like one of my face ups on your dears, please don't hesitate to contact me! That's all from me for now, until next time! As I'm still waiting on a commission to leave customs (don't know the charges yet), I painted my wife's last two blank heads. They are Soom MD Serin/Rico heads, one is the open eyed version, the other is the romantic head. Now I just need to paint the torso of her Dollzone body and she's finished other than her proper outfit. Without further ado, onto some pictures! I worked on both heads together as they belong to the same character. I tried to keep the scales as identical as I could, so that it wouldn't be as jarring to switch between the heads. I love doing freckles, it's been too long since I've done lots of them!
I've been experimenting with Citadel Munitorum for my own face ups, as I'm trying to save my MSC for commissions. So far I still prefer MSC, I feel it has a better tooth and colors stick better to it than the Citadel sealant. For example I had to really layer the lips with far darker and intenser colors than I usually do when I use MSC. For commissions I'm still gonna stick to using the MSC, because I know that beast better. The Munitorum also has a satin finish rather than a true matte. I'm finally healthy physically again, will be heading to the post office today to send out some packages that I've been sitting on far too long. I apologize for the delay! Oh! Just a little exciting for me news, I'm almost at 400 face ups! I'm literally at 397 currently. Two more and I can repaint Zephyra and see if I've gotten better in the last two years. I am excited! Commissions are still open, so please don't hesitate to contact me! That's all from me for now, until next time! Just as the title says, I'm open for more commissions again! I completed everything I received faster than anticipated so I was able to re-open before the month was up as well!. My new prices have gone into effect as well, so please be aware of them. Anyone that's already gotten a quote from me won't be affected as I'll honor those. I also was able to finish the last face up in my possession, on a Mithral Dolls Mirage in dark tan. She belongs to a dear friend of mine and I'm so glad she let me work on the second shell for the character. Without further ado, onto some pictures! The doll is a wonderful chocolate tan, which can be tricky to blush as the pastels change after you seal them. They always look lighter at first, fortunately I've worked on such dark resin before and can safely assume how it'll look once sealed.
I can't wait to see her styled by her owner! I loved the old shell too, but this new one is fantastic for the character. At least she no longer has a white wig, so I didn't have to battle with white eyebrows/lashes! That's all from me for now, until next time! With being out of commissions to currently do, I decided to repainted a floating head of mine as an alt-head for one of my own dolls. Her last face up was stubborn to remove, but hey, it didn't stain! The head is an Impldoll Azalea Elf, and her last face up I "lovingly" nicknamed the Candy Abomination. Without further ado, onto the pictures! So here we have my spare Impldoll Azalea Elf head in real skin. I decided to give her a glam look as my doll's other head is naturally painted without any make up. This face up took roughly 3 hours to complete, like half an hour of that was waiting for the glue to dry! Here we have her two heads side by side. I painted the left head back in 2016 I think, so it's been a while! My blushed has definitely gotten softer and with better gradients. I also added "piercings" to her glam head that I painted yesterday, as the character is meant to have a bunch of them. They're just glued on though. And I'll end this entry with the comparison of the face ups on this head. Now you can see what I mean with "candy abomination" on the before face up. Though I do love the new one!
That's all for now, until next time! I hope everyone's had a good slide into the new year, I certainly did! I finally got the doll I ordered back in September on January 2nd, and I spent New Year's Eve with my sister and some friends. It was nice! Plus my wife is coming back for at least another 90 days on the 18th of this month! YAY!!
For the new work I have a Doll Love YouYou to show who I finished painting in December but was waiting on eyelashes, and my new girl, a LoongSoul ShenLuo Western White Tiger. Without further ado, pictures under the cut! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025