2021 has come and gone, and we are 3 days into 2022. What a year 2021 was too... I got severe burnout, caught covid, lost my job, my wife lost her job, rebuilt my mental health, established goals for my future and how I want to proceed, and generally I focused on myself. I'm grateful we had the resources for me to do so.
Dollwise I wasn't as proactive as in previous years, as I only managed 30 faceups in 2021, and 39 in 2020. These two last years have been really hard on everyone. I did manage to crank out a couple more things in December 2021, so I will post those now. I got to finish painting the Iplehouse HID Woman hands, Miracle Doll 1/4 Girl hands, Sugarble Darlene, Dollpamm Loli girl body, a Fairyland RLF Luna, and a Fairyland MNF Miyu. Be prepared for a long post. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break!
I've been dragging my feet at updating here, and I apologize for that. I have mostly been working on dolls either on the weekends or before and after work.
I have quite a bit to post today! A Dollzone Chinese Dragon Girl Summer Event 2010 body, a Sensei's Dolls Sweet Elf Enni, Crobidoll Lance, LoongSoul 68cm Boy Hands, and a Dollzone NiuNiu. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! I'm finally getting back into the swing of things and cranking out commissions! This past week I was able to finish a full body blush and face up on a Magic Time Rachael in normal pink skin. She had come with a previous face up, which I wiped to turn her into a cute cyberpunk-goth!
Without further ado, onto some pictures under the Read More break! It's been a while since I've had anything to update, but I am slowly making my way through the commissions! I wasn't doing so hot up until this week mentally or physically, plus it's been super foggy most of the day. Today is no different and there's a blanket of fog.
But anyway, I completed the Unoa Alchemy Lusis's body blush and snuck one of my own dolls in for a face up as a little pick me up from the past few weeks. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! I've been hard at work on the Dollshe Hound body and have finished the upper body so far. I will need to take him apart again and suede him to keep him from scratching the tattoos immediately. All that's left now are his mile long legs and feet.
Currently I'm taking a break from him (which the client is fine with) as I need to figure out how to paint his massive legs, and the best way of sealing them to keep the tattoos lined up. Meanwhile I received another doll to paint, an Unoa Alchemy Lusis who needs a face up removal and a face up/body blush/mani/pedicure. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break! This weekend I was able to finish both the modded Doll Leaves Laura, and the repaint on the Dollmore Dollpire Shiloh along with her hands. I'm pleased with both their end results! The DS Laura I first modded fangs onto (quite a feat with how small the head is!) and then gave her a face up. That head is literally the size of a grape! The Dollmore Shiloh needed a full body and head wipe, a restringing, manicure, face up, and I restored her 10 year old fullset wig.
Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more cut! Since I have run out of commissions, and don't have any new ones lined up, I've been redoing my own dolls. That's something I need to periodically do anyway, heh. This past week I had my Soom Beyla/Glot/Eliv with a Peapod Doll mermaid tail, and April Story Betty along with her hands on my work desk to be repainted. Without further ado, onto some pictures! So here we have my April Story Betty as well as her hands. Her hands had gotten horribly chipped since the last time I painted them. The blue french tip was a last minute decision, but I'm glad I did! Her face acquired two more piercings since last time (yes, I do applied piercings and can even imbed them in the resin if so requested), and her eyebrows are lighter to match her new wig! A quick comparison of her last and current face up. Her scar is less red this time, but still there. It simply looks more healed than previously. If you'd like to see a picture of her with her wig, I have one in the Owner Gallery! Next up is my Soom Beyla OE/human head in cream white. She's a little siren girl, so scales were a must! She was quite the restoration process. I'm at least her 3rd owner, and for some parts I'm at least the 4th. Her body is a Soom Glot torso with Soom Eliv arms and ears, and a Peapod Doll mermaid tail that I later uncovered to be a sakura pink color AND one of 2 with a fade from dark butt to lighter fin in this color! What a special little girl! I scored her on the DoA MP for a good price. She was double painted (as in she was painted once, and then painted over again without removing the previous paint job), and boy was that annoying to remove. First things first, I took her apart (some of her joints were glued together from acrylic paint...) and threw her to soak in some 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I started with the little bowl to clean her torso of the caked on paint and the glitter. After much scrubbing I got at least her torso clean. Her hands were still with a lot of paint on them, so I left them to soak longer. I quickly realized she'd need to soak fully in alcohol for at least 24 hours to remove the remaining paint. So I did that. I poured 500ml of alcohol into some tupperware and put all her painted tail pieces in there. So here my suspicion of her fin being pink was confirmed! Under the hot pink and white paint was a layer of purple and gold. The purple and gold paint sadly stained her a little in places, but that's nothing I can't hide with the new blush job! After 1.5 days of soaking in 99.9% isopropyl alcohol, she was finally as clean as I was going to be able to get her. I replaced all the elastic in her and restrung her. She can do some cute things with her tail! Her face up is above obviously, but I haven't documented her body blush yet. So here she is all painted and refreshed! I slathered her in Aztec Gold PearlEx shimmer pigment after blushing her with reds. Please excuse the cruddy cell phone picture, my camera on my phone is getting dated...
The clothing is just spare stuff I had laying around, but the wig is hers and the eyes I specially made for her too. I wanted her to shimmer between gold and red as her parents are a Siren and a Fire Elemental. I think she suits them both! I'm so glad I got her after all as I'd been eyeing her on the MP for a few weeks already, trying to talk myself out of her. But I've wanted a YoSD mermaid for years now and was super sad when Peapod Doll closed... Either way, all's good! That's all from me for now, until next time! It's been a while since I've posted here, I apologize for my inactivity. It's been a rough couple of weeks, and the weather's been gross too (nothing but rain for 1.5 weeks...). I was able to complete the body blush on the Miracle Doll MSD Girl body, though it's been slow going on the 1/4 scale Pipas. Either way, onto some pictures! So here's the body with it's little bit of blood in choice places. The body is really nicely sculpted, even with the joints being far too smooth, so getting her to not whack herself was a challenge. She was fun to paint, even if most of her paint job won't be visible due to being dressed.
This weekend I plan on finishing at least one of the Pipas I need to paint. If I'm lucky, I'll do two! The weather's been so atrocious, nothing but rain, rain, and more rain... That's all from me for now, until next time! First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who partook in my birthday sale, and who has commissioned me outside of it too! You guys rock and make this passion and hobby of mine possible! Anyway, I managed to get a good start on all the commissions I still have currently on me! One is a Doll in Mind Benetia on a Miracel Doll MSD girl body, both in white skin, but I've only got the face up done so far. I also started working on the Doll Leaves Alisa by modding some fangs onto her per the client's request. I managed to finish up the body blush on the Crobidoll R-Line Evolve body in normal skin and sent him and his head back home! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Crobidoll body, he's an older one so I had to do some extra pink blushing along the hands and neck to make him match better to his newer head. I'm glad he's done and I'm hoping the client will like the work in person too! After getting permission from the client, I also gave his bangs a trim, as they covered his lovely eyes! Then here we have the Doll in Mind Benetia in white skin. She was fun to bloody-up! Her Miracle Doll body will get a similar treatment! The eyes were made by me too (acrylic bases with digitally drawn and then printed irises), now she's extra spooky! Then here's the Doll Leaves Alisa in normal skin with her fang mod so far. She's gonna be a gothic beauty as well! No blood though on her. And last, but certainly not least, are the three 3D printed Pipa instruments I'm going to paint for a client. I assembled them so far and glued everything in place, so now all that's left is sealing and painting!
So much fun work still ahead of me. That's all from me for now, until next time! It's been a bit since I've last face upped, but I finally have some new work to show! This time I painted a Fairyland MNF Shushu in natural skin and even gave her a fresh manicure as her last was a nightmare to remove. Without further ado, onto some pictures! So here she is, she's gonna be styled as a pastel goth once back in my friend's hands. I had a lot of fun with brows making them so bushy and big, usually I do more delicate ones but her previous face up had bold brows too so I ran with it. And once again, lovely ombre lips of black and purple! One of my favorite color combinations for sure. She does have painted lip lines, they are just hard to see in the pictures from the gloss. The hands were fun too, I gave the ring-fingers an accent nail color to tie back into the face up colors. Also, my sale is still going. Heads/Parts do need to be ready to be sent my way, so please keep that in mind when contacting me for the "Buy 1, Get 1 30% Off" offer! Please don't hesitate to reach out for a commission, now is an excellent time to do so, there's very little that I'm unwilling to do customization-wise!
Until next time! I finally finished up the Resinsoul Sui, now all that's left from that client is a Resinsoul Nian. The Sui left my whole desk purple, and so many cotton balls gave their life for his blushing! He was truly a labor of love. I could have saved myself a lot of trouble by just learning to use my airbrush, but I'd rather not experiment on client dolls... But anyway, onto some pictures! First up, his head. He's in white skin and his color scheme is purple and black. He actually currently has a silver wig, but I think a deep violet or black would be amazing on him too! I fought with the eyes because they are too big (Resinsoul included them). I haven't done scales like this in a while, but they look good on him! Next up is his body blush. He has muscles on his muscles. This boy is ripped. I extended the scales from the tail onto his back and blushed his body with purples again to match his overall theme. He also got restrung and sueded too! And to finish up showing his pictures, here's the rest of his fantasy parts in detail. Clawed hands, lizard feet, wings, and his tail. I didn't take a picture of the other side of his tail, but it's just a light violet, nothing too special. You can see it in one of the body blush pictures though!
I'm still very much closed for new commissions. I don't see myself re-opening until late September at the earliest... And I'll have to cut down on how many parts I accept per slot. With working 10 hour days my free time is very small and restricted to weekends only. I feel bad making my clients wait so long on face ups and such. For this client I have 1 more doll to work on, who needs a face up, body blush, restringing and sueding, fantasy parts blush, basically an all over job. Then for another client I have another 3 dolls to work on, and from a friend I have a smol Doll Family-A Luca dear to paint. Thank you guys for being so patient with me!! That's all from me for now, until next time! Now that I've been back over a week from my vacation trip to Turkey with my dad, his girlfriend, and my wife, I can finally get back to painting dolls! Before I left I painted my wife's Aimerai QT Melodie in white skin, and when I got back I repainted my own Soom FC Chrom in bronze and I gave my April Story Betty on the NB-SD16 body a tattoo on the left arm and manicure. Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is my wife's Aimerai QT Melodie. This thing was truly a pain in the butt to work on... She does not like to stand or pose very well, and keeps flipping her wings around. And then my wife gave me a difficult concept to work with... carousel horse. I did my best, and she turned out cute, but boy am I glad she's done! I even gave her little earrings, and a mohair mane and tail! Here's my Soom FC Chrom in bronze with his new face up. I really like the blushing a lot more this time around. His last face up wasn't bad, but he'd chipped the eyebrows by face-planting too often (old SG Soom body, it really can't pose very well...) and he got a new wig. Here's the comparison to his last face up compared to his current one. He fought me bitterly on his eyebrows and eyelashes, but I persevered and won the war in the end... It took me like an hour of painting and redoing the eyebrows over and over. I even had to take a break because he was being that stubborn about them! I really need to get better white paint... In the Owner Gallery is a picture of him with his wig and body. Poor thing is unevenly yellowed at this point, but I still love him, uneven coloring and all! And now, last but not least, are the hands and the left arm of my April Story NB-SD16 girl body. I slaved over that tattoo for at least 6-7 hours, but probably longer. I did it in stages over the course of two days. Now I just need to tattoo her right arm too, but all in due time. This is the first full sleeve tattoo I've ever done and the first full color one to boot. I'm debating adding a fake ring onto her hand as she's a married character, but I don't have her husband so it feels moot to do it. Maybe this is when they were still dating and her college days. Yeah, I'll go with that! Here she is, and she definitely needs something on her other arm too, and maybe some cute little tattoos on her hips! I may also swap out her eyelashes for nicer blue ones that I got in from Taobao. I think that would look nice on her!
Anyway, that's all for now, I'm still open for commission and won't be raising my prices until summer so now is as good of a time as any to message me! Until next time! Well that was quick! I received a 3 head commission on Friday, and since I had nothing better to do and didn't feel like wiping any of my dolls I painted all 3 heads this weekend. I also blushed my LoongSoul ShenLuo's beast hands to boot.
The 3 heads were a Dream of Doll Petsha and two Doll Leaves Theresa heads. The DS heads are twins, but with different personalities. I had fun with all! Anyway onto some pictures under the read more cut! I had a productive week and finally got my first local commission! She's a Peakswood Romantic Lady Bee in white skin. I painted her head and all 4 of her hands. She's a gorgeous doll, and I'm glad I finally got to work on a Peakswood doll! The sealant was fighting me a little on her, but I managed to work with it. Still getting used to the Citadel Purity Seal instead of MSC. Without further ado, onto some pictures! I'm currently struggling with my lighting set up. I may just finally give in and buy a light booth, a small, foldable, desk size one for documenting doll parts. I think that would be a very good investment!
Either way, I have several slots open for commissions, so don't be shy! Send me a message either through DoA, IG, Flickr, or the Contact page on here! Until next time! I finally finished the body blush on the LoongSoul 73.5cm V2 body in normal skin! He only needed a neck mod, torso blush, manicure, pedicure, and all 5 of his man bits needed blushing. I'll post those as a link with a warning so that you don't randomly scroll to see a bunch of realistically blushed penises. Anyway, onto some pictures! I'm very proud of how the blushing turned out on this massive boy. Now for the links of the peens: Peen Picture 1 - Peen Picture 2 Click at your own discretion, they are in various stages of arousal so to say! I am so glad this commission is finally done! Here's a list of everything I did for the clients (they are a couple and sent their dolls together):
Impldoll Martin on SGB Male Idol body
This commission took forever, but I'm glad they are done. I packed them up with extra bubble wrap to protect the blushing, but now the box doesn't fit in the shipping box anymore. Fortunately I have some spare boxes I can hopefully use. If they aren't big enough, I'll franken a box together to ship them in. That's all from me for now! As long as the weather gets nice today I should be able to crank out another face up! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025