Well I really dragged my feet on posting last month's faceup work. I was struggling in November and the weather was utter garbage to boot, making it hard to work on things. But I was able to paint one commission (Doll Leaves Jeremy) and I repainted one of my own (Impldoll Azalea Elf).
The past several days I've gotten hit with the crud and my lungs feel squeaky, so I am not risking coughing all over the WIP commissions I have on me. Nor do I want to snot into my mask...But anyway, without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break!
Since I am on vacation this week, I have decided I'm gonna crank out as many face ups and commissions as I can. It's been a little bit of a slow start due to various reasons, including taking some time to myself, but I have laid out what I need to work on and am making a plan! I modded and painted an Impldoll Azalea basic elf (she is now human), and I painted my own Simple Divine Thomas head.
Before I show those, first the FYI: I have reopened commissions for limited slots, as I assume I will be able to get through most of my current ones by the time the new ones arrive. I apologize for the great delay in finishing the large full body commissions I got. I promise to get them done soon! Now onto the pictures! I have a lot, A LOT, of new work to show. I'd been struggling through June with bad weather, home office, then returning to the office, but I have gotten some new work to show!
Things I've worked on are a Volks DDH-10, Dream Valley Ann in tan, Angell Studio Cassie, Impldoll Colin, two Goblin Tales Baby Mosslings, and my Dollzone Mann. I also got the Resinsoul Twilight commission continued, but I will post those in a separate post. Anyway, without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! With being out of commissions to currently do, I decided to repainted a floating head of mine as an alt-head for one of my own dolls. Her last face up was stubborn to remove, but hey, it didn't stain! The head is an Impldoll Azalea Elf, and her last face up I "lovingly" nicknamed the Candy Abomination. Without further ado, onto the pictures! So here we have my spare Impldoll Azalea Elf head in real skin. I decided to give her a glam look as my doll's other head is naturally painted without any make up. This face up took roughly 3 hours to complete, like half an hour of that was waiting for the glue to dry! Here we have her two heads side by side. I painted the left head back in 2016 I think, so it's been a while! My blushed has definitely gotten softer and with better gradients. I also added "piercings" to her glam head that I painted yesterday, as the character is meant to have a bunch of them. They're just glued on though. And I'll end this entry with the comparison of the face ups on this head. Now you can see what I mean with "candy abomination" on the before face up. Though I do love the new one!
That's all for now, until next time! Already a new blog post? I'm just as surprised as you are! As a New Year's resolution I want to upkeep this section of my website better, so I don't post so much new work in a single post. Let's see how long I can keep up with it, haha! I finished up the Impldoll Baby Colby yesterday and got the pictures approved last night, so I can share them now here. She's a cute little girl in pink skin and is absolutely adorable. I'm lucky that pet dolls aren't really my thing, so I'm safe from wanting one. But anyway, onto some pictures! Here she is! I kept her color scheme to pinks and a little bit of magenta/purples as well just to make her details pop. I painted scales along her face as I felt it was too bland otherwise. She also has a subtle shimmer going on along her whole body.
My little light box broke over the holidays (wouldn't turn on and kept short circuiting my laptop when I plugged it in to light it up), but fortunately my dad misunderstood my christmas wish and bought me a new one, that's like 6 times as big and I have no clue where to put it so I don't have to keep disassembling it. I'm still learning to set my camera for it, these pictures were the first ones I took in it! I'm still open for commission! Only January left with my current pricing, and then February 1st, 2019 comes the price increase. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, until next time! Whew! It's been a while since I've posted here, I'm so sorry for that! I've been super busy at work and working on dolls as well. Today I've got a Ringdoll Teen Melody and Impldoll Isaac to show off. Enough blather, onto some pictures! First up is the Ringdoll Teen Melody in normal skin. I also painted her body and a pair of Dikadoll 1/3 Jointed Girl hands. I haven't documented that yet so that'll be my next post! Here's a quick before and after shot of the Melody. It's always so interesting how different dolls look painted by different artists! Then here's the Impldoll Isaac in real skin. I've worked on him before for the same client, but they wanted me to repaint him as his character had grown. I was happy to work with them again! Then here's his before and after. How he's changed! It was an interesting challenge to do the silver under his eyes and not cover it completely with his eyelashes. Either way he's going home soon and I can't wait to see him with a wig and body!
That's all from me for now, until next time! I had a productive Easter weekend where I finally painted my mom's Christmas gift (I had to wait to have some free time) and I painted a spare head of mine for a face up competition on IG. The doll for my mom is a Doll Chateau Larry that I scoured the secondhand market for to find last year after she fell in love with the last one I painted. The IG face up is on my spare Impldoll Azalea head. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up is the DC Larry for my mom. Sadly no wig because I haven't been able ot find one that fits her head. I picked a blue theme because that's my mom's favorite color. She loves how her little snail turned out. Second up is my face up for BJD Face Off on Instagram. I call it the Candy Abomination. We had to submit a blank head and then a theme was announced for the month for us to paint. I just wish that the theme was announced first... It was "Welcome to Candy Land". I'm the first to submit my face up so far.
Anyway, this is my spare Impldoll Azalea elf head I got through the Impldoll FB event. A friend of mine is taking her off of my hands in a trade for some BJD clothes. Oddly the face up is growing on me. Anyway, I should have some new work this week again! Until next time! I heard back from the client and got the green light to finish up the two blue heads! So I got them all done this morning and sent more pictures for the final approval. Now I just need to pack them up securely and send them back once I get paid. Anyway, the heads are an Impldoll Azalea Elf and Gela in custom blue colors. They are mother and daughter, and were a fun challenge to work on. I'd never worked on such bright blue dolls before, but I'm happy with how they turned out! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Azalea. The color of her resin is gorgeous in person, pictures do not do it justice. When she arrived to me she had a big chip in her blushing along her nose and her chin. It took quite a bit of elbow grease to get her clean because of how much paint was on her. Either way, I'm happy with her as is the client! Then we have the Gela in a paler custom blue color. She was trickier to work on than the Azalea due to being less featured than her. Her face is a lot flatter. She still turned out nice in my opinion, and the client likes the work too. The Gela arrived to me with a company face up, and it was very grey and pink, which just didn't suit the poor thing, so the client asked me to repaint her along with the Azalea.
I can't wait to see some owner pictures of these two! Like seriously, this client takes amazing photographs, whether it be their dolls or other subjects. Anyway, that's all from me for now, until next time! I've been productive again since coming back from New York, so that's good! I started on the Impldoll Azalea and Gela heads and I'm nearing completion. I'm just waiting to hear from the client on what else they'd like me to add or if I can gloss and apply eyelashes at this point. I'm personally happy with how they turned out so far. Both are in custom blue colors, which were an interesting challenge to work on, but also fun! Without further ado, onto some pictures! The first picture of the Azalea is the truest to her actual color, she's a gorgeous bright robins egg blue. The Gela is a paler blue, but still very lovely!
The Azalea arrived with a very heavy airbrushed face up that had chipped along the nose and chin, so a redo was in order. The Gela arrived with a far too pink and grey face up from the company and the client wanted her to be more blue. Now to just wait and hear from the client! I finally got one of the big guys done, the Impldoll Idol SGB Boy body in tan skin. I had already finished his face a few weeks ago, but then I had to blush his body and add a scar onto his thigh to look like a shark bite. Word or the wise, do not look up "shark bite scars" on google if you don't want to see a bunch of fresh wounds. I finally gave up trying to find a good reference and improvised. Anyway, onto some pictures! Here we have the detail shots of the body. So much work went into the blushing and then I had to restring him. Surprisingly he was easier to restring than the Iplehouse FID Lawrence I have to blush. He was floppy and needed a restringing so he'll be next to get blushed. He already has a face up, so he just needs a body blush! Fortunately he's MSD sized, unlike this guy who's roughly 72cm tall. I was sent his wig too to color-match his eyebrows and the such. I struggled a bit with trying to figure out which way was up or down for it. I even made this guy a little shark tooth necklace made of a real fossilized shark tooth I got while on vacation. I have more of them, as my doll Jazz needs one.
Until next time! I had a very productive weekend! I finished up the Aileen Doll Cyclops and got a face up done on the Impldoll Martin. I still need to do his body blush, mani/pedi, and do a scar mod on his thigh. Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Aileen Doll Cyclops girl in white skin. I only had one eye the right size for her, which entertainingly enough came from another Aileen Doll Cyclops, but the boy version with the fully open eye. For this commission I glued in magnets for the horns in the head, nebula/galaxy face up, blush the horns, and do a mani/pedicure too with blushing. Then next we have the Impldoll Martin in tan skin. The client, a very good friend of mine, asked me to bronze him up a bit as if he's in the sun a lot as he's a surfer character. Now to just blush his body the same way! He also needs a shark bite scar mod on his thigh, which'll be a fun challenge for me!
Commissions are still closed currently as I'm painting my way through all my commissions. I have a rather large pile still to get through. Thank you for everyone being so patient with me. My hours at work will finally go back to normal in a week! WOO! That means I can devote more time to commissions again, I can hardly wait! Until next time! I FINALLY got some new work to show! I had a productive Saturday yesterday and finished up the Impldoll Isaac and repainted a CP Luts Delf Lishe as well. I spent close to 6 or 7 hours just face upping yesterday, it was glorious! My work schedule's been really crazy so I've only been able to face up on the weekends. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up the Impldoll Isaac for a friend of mine. I was pretty much done with him when I was asked to add the illusion of an eyelid crease to him as the owner didn't quite like the monolid look. I'm actually rather proud of how it turned out since I don't do the painted eyelid crease thing at all. I only used pastels to do it. Then here we have a CP Luts Delf Lishe in the original tan from 10 years ago. She's an old (but beautiful) gal owned by a local client. She wanted me to recreate as closely as possible her default face up. We agreed that I wouldn't be able to replicate it perfectly as I have a different style most of the time, but I got it pretty close! Either way, she loves her new face and that's the most important part. She aslo asked me to pierce her ears, which is a simple enough mod. Now she gets to wear pretty earings!
I'm hoping to do some face up work today too, but I'm still a bit undecided. I started on the Doll Chateau Andre yesterday too, but ran out of steam... Until next time! I just had a super busy weekend working on personal projects as I was waiting on some more commissions to come in. On Friday I finally got around to blushing my Dollzone Sawarieda body (it has a DZ Minas head). I'm sadly not done yet, but I'm happy with where I did stop. Then on Sunday I worked on my Impldoll Azalea elf that just arrived on Saturday. I did a quick face up on her in the morning as there was a doll meet the same day. I don't have the best pictures of the Sawarieda body blushing, but I have some I'd like to show! Mainly what is left to do is add scales to all her tail petals. It's going to take forever but it'll be totally worth it! Now for the Impldoll Azalea elf in real skin. She represents one of my oldest characters who I've had running around in my head and writing since I was 14 years old. Without further ado, have some pictures! I had a lot of fun with her scars, I always forget how much I enjoy doing them on dolls. She initially fought me on the placement of them, but once I got them "right" everything else was smooth sailing. I'm very happy that I was able to paint her so quickly and still have it look nice.
Now to focus on commissions again. Until next time! This last weekend was very productive for me! I finished 3 face ups (two of which I already posted), and I'm hoping to do more through out this week before the next weekend. On Sunday I worked on and finished up on Monday morning an Impldoll Ives in real skin. Let's show some pictures! He has like the cutest big smile I've ever seen on a YoSD with cute little fangs. It's kind of funny how the last 3 face ups all included freckles. Out of the last 10 I've done, 5 of them had freckles. I'm also up to 242 face ups now! I'm almost at my goal for this year, which is 250 and we're not even halfway through the year yet.
Anyway, I'm expecting one more 3 part commission, and I need to finish the Paper & Sakura Kazarai cat and then I can send that 3 part commission home. That's all for now from me, until next time! I was a busy bee this weekend and did 3 face ups in 2 days! Not the most I've ever managed, but still a good chunk. I redid the Impldoll Tony because the face up didn't fully suit the character, so I didn't mind the redo. Then I also finally got around to painting the Fairyland PukiFee Halloween Event faceplate, but I wasn't able to document her other than a few iPad pictures because I forgot my camera. And last but not least I worked on a Migidoll Jean, who turned out lovely as well. Enough blathering and onto some pictures! Look at how handsome the Impldoll Tony is now, his eyebrows and lashes match his wig much much better now. Also I'll forever struggle at positioning silicone eyes. End of story. And here we have a Migidoll Jean in NS-A, and she's quite lovely. I had fun working on her, she has very good resin. All the pastels blended very nicely. Again, the plight of positioning silicone eyes struck me. And then last, but not least, is the little Fairyland PukiFee Halloween event faceplate. This is only my second sugar skull face up, and it looks much much better than my first. I'll need to document her better at the next meet!
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025