Hello and welcome to Autumn! I was a very busy bee in September, more so than I have been most of this year regarding BJD work. I am almost through all of my commissions that I have on me currently (just 2 body blushes including mani- and pedicures are missing) until the next ones arrive.
Anyway, things that I worked on and completed this past September are two Luts ZuzuDelf Minimi Corni faceups with their bodies and pedestals also painted, a modded Resinsoul Ju on a modded Resinsoul Zhen body and fantasy parts blushing, and then faceups on a Peakswoods Lune the Dark Elf, a Peakswoods Goldie, a Mystic Kids Elisa Elf, an Akagidoll Yusri, and a Msytic Kids Petra. I also started on the two RealFees but didn't finish them until this month (October) so they'll be in the next update. Important to mention, this blog post contains full (doll) nudity! Be advised, that this is a long blog post. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break!
First things first, I want to thank all of you for sticking with me these past 2 months of hardly any updating. There's been a bad heatwave followed by a rough cold snap, and now the weather keeps changing from sunny to storming within the same day and it's done a number on my head (I suffer from migraines).
Anyway, I did get a few things done still in July that I wanted to share here. I managed to complete 3 faceups and two little Baby Mossling figures by Goblin Tales BJD. The faceups are on a Soom Heliot from the free choice event in 2011, a Soom Obsidius from this year (2023), and the redo on the MYOU 1/6 scale Gina. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! As many of you have already seen, I have reopened commissions a week ago on my birthday. I am still open to accepting a few more slots, so if you need a faceup from within the EU, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
I was a busy bee in March, so I got quite a few more things to show to finish up the month with work I've completed. There's 2 faceups and 3 body blushes, so please be aware there is doll nudity in this post. Today I will share a Granado 15Ascent Ninth and his body, a Maskcat Doll 2020 Anniversary Event Cat doll, and the biggest of my commissions this round, a Dollzone Chun who got the full treatement including mods. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the read more break! Thank you to everyone that has commissioned me since I opened up commissions in October. It took a bit to get my slots filled up, so I haven't officially closed commissions yet. October I didn't have terribly much to work on, but I do have some things to share! Today I am only sharing the work I did in October, November has already been busy and it's only day 9.
Things I worked on and completed in October are a Popovy Sisters Bony on the Body III, then a Popovy Sisters Little Owl on the Body II, a Frappzilla Moon Polaris, and my Kana Doll No. 8 Lucien. Please note that there is full doll nudity in this post as I did two body blushes. Without further ado, onto some pictures below the break! I don't have as much work to show for the month of June as I normally do as I was sick for half of it. But I did manage to get some stuff worked on and finished before and on the tailend of my illness.
I still have lots of commissions to finish up, so slots will remain closed for now until my load lightens a bit. Thank you for understanding, I am hoping to re-open slots at the end of this month. I got two faceups and a body blush done in June. One faceup is on a Faewoods Dolls Delphinium, and the other was done on a Doll Leaves Betty along with her body. Without further ado, onto some pictures and rambling under the break! 2021 has come and gone, and we are 3 days into 2022. What a year 2021 was too... I got severe burnout, caught covid, lost my job, my wife lost her job, rebuilt my mental health, established goals for my future and how I want to proceed, and generally I focused on myself. I'm grateful we had the resources for me to do so.
Dollwise I wasn't as proactive as in previous years, as I only managed 30 faceups in 2021, and 39 in 2020. These two last years have been really hard on everyone. I did manage to crank out a couple more things in December 2021, so I will post those now. I got to finish painting the Iplehouse HID Woman hands, Miracle Doll 1/4 Girl hands, Sugarble Darlene, Dollpamm Loli girl body, a Fairyland RLF Luna, and a Fairyland MNF Miyu. Be prepared for a long post. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! I have finished quite a few faceups recently, so I have a lot to share today! A couple are for myself, and some commissions too. My slots are still open, and I have only a couple more to get through before I can send this batch back.
Faceups today are on an Asleep Eidolon Col, LoongSoul Black Dragon Xunalong, then 2 Smart Doll Cortex heads, and a Lost Chronicles Allurial. The Loongsoul and the Lost Chronicle heads are both for me. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! I've been quite the busy bee since the last time I posted, despite the frequently cruddy weather. I'm slowly getting back on track of things and packed up all my finished commissions to ready them for shipping to their owners.
I would also like to apologize for my lack of communication lately, there's been a lot of stress in my family life along with a worsening of my mental state, but I am slowly pulling myself together again. I am bound and determined to answer the last couple of emails to confirm shipping addresses and quotes, as well as fill out the customs forms for each one. Anyway, things to show today are a Withdoll Ash elf, a modded Smart Doll Chaos Envisage, the Dollzone Venus Halo body (B45-017) with her fantasy/SciFi parts, and a Volks SD Saki. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the cut! So here is my second post to show some more work I got done over the last month or so! I still haven't gotten to documenting the Resinsoul Twilight body, but she is done as well. I'm hoping to document her maybe tonight or tomorrow morning.
Things to show today are a Peakswoods FOF Rabbit Goon, a Telesthesia Doll FeiHuaDeng, and a Resinsoul Dai. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! This weekend I was able to finish both the modded Doll Leaves Laura, and the repaint on the Dollmore Dollpire Shiloh along with her hands. I'm pleased with both their end results! The DS Laura I first modded fangs onto (quite a feat with how small the head is!) and then gave her a face up. That head is literally the size of a grape! The Dollmore Shiloh needed a full body and head wipe, a restringing, manicure, face up, and I restored her 10 year old fullset wig.
Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more cut! It's been a little bit since I've last posted, sorry about that! I did manage to complete the face up on the Doll Leaves Alisa with the fang mod I did, and I started blushing the Miracle Doll MSD Girl body. Sadly the weather's been crap so it's been slow progress on the body blush and the Pipas. Without further ado, onto some pictures! So here's the Doll Leaves Alisa, in all her vampiric gothic beauty! She was a lot of fun to paint, and her eye makeup shimmers blue. I've really been cranking out gothic face ups lately!
I don't have much more to show or report, as I'm still working on the Miracle Doll MSD girl body and need to seal the Pipas so that I can blush/paint those as well. I'm hopeful the weather is better tomorrow, or within this week so that I can finish up the commissions I have on me currently. That's all from me for now, until next time! While waiting on my last commission to arrive from this batch, I decided to repaint my Fairyland LTF Juri 2013 in natural skin. My wife gifted me for Christmas a second Juri2013 faceplate, that I modded to dreaming. I'm a sucker for having dolls with open and sleepy eyed looks. I was always sad that I would never be able to get that a dreaming/sleeping head for Aurora (my LTF Juri 2013) because she's an event faceplate. Then I realised I can mod! Anyway, without further ado, onto some pictures! I've been meaning to repaint Aurora for months, but I had to wait for her second faceplate to arrive so I could work on them together to keep them as close as possible. The first thing I did of course was mod the second faceplate from open to dreaming, which was a task and a half in itself. This is only my second time closing eyes. I don't do mods often, but I do enjoy them to be honest! I still need to paint her horns and wings, as well as possibly blush her little paws, before I can call her done again. She used to be purple themed, but I felt as a princess gold would be a much better color scheme for her! Her previous face up was a good 3 years old. It's kind of fun to see how much I've improved in just a couple of years! My eyebrows have definitely improved by leaps and bounds, as well as my painted eyelashes.
It's kind of funny, I'm looking forward to redoing my Resinsoul Ai (Zephyra) as I'm 4 face ups away from reaching 400 completed face ups. Zephyra always has to be the 100th face up, no matter how many heads I have laying around. It's tradition to see how much I've improved in 99 face ups since the last time I painted her. Anyway, that's all from me for now, until next time! Since I'm still waiting on my next commissions to come in, I decided to repaint a head I modded ages ago for my wife. The head is a Dollzone April, who I modded from open-eyed to dreaming. It was my first eye mod ever, so it's not perfect, but it looks good enough! Without further ado, onto some pictures! My wife has always wanted me to match her face up to the default on her normal Dollzone April. I had to try and color match, which let me tell you is difficult without an airbrush, to cover the mods. She turned out a little dark, but it's hard to tell in pictures. I'm already plotting how I'd redo this face up down the line. Here you can see the original face up I slapped on her on the left. It was very pretty, but not quite what my wife wanted. It only took me 3-4 years to redo the head. It was low priority since my wife rarely plays with her dolls anymore, but I was itching to paint something, so she was grabbed out of the parts drawer, haha! I will end this post with a comparison picture of the two Dollzone April heads. On the left is the modded one, on the right is the un-modded one with default face up that I added freckles to.
Until next time! I've been back a few days now from vacationing with my wife and in-laws in Florida, and I think I've finally settled back into the groove of things. Work is a bit hectic with it being the new year (we need everything new from the patients), and my hours are still a bit crazy for another few weeks I think. Anyway, I did manage to squeeze out a face up and started work on a massive commission. The face up I did is on a Doll Chateau Andre in white skin, and the other head I started on is a Nobility Doll MNM Bill Kaulitz head. First up is a picture of the DC Andre. All I really have left on his face is gloss, and then I'll blush his body too. I started on that, but I haven't gotten far yet unfortunately. He's the brother of the DC Jakov I painted recently, the one with the black horns and wings! Then here's the Nobility Doll MNM Bill Kaulitz head. So far I've modded his eyes more open and gave her ear gages. That's the first time I've done a mod like that! Took a while to figure out. Finally I just carved into his ear and shoved the eyelet in and sculpted around it. The addition will be color matched as he needs to be color matched in general to a LoongSoul NS body. He's going to be Tom, Bill's brohter, hence why the eye opening mod (they are identical twins but have some differences). I'm planning on face upping my brains out this weekend!
Now for the FYI: I'm going to stay closed until I get through the large part of my commissions. They really piled up and I'm still adjusting to having less time to work on doll stuff. So the commissions have really piled up and I feel awful about that. So I'm going to play catch up. It's also been exceptionally cold here (-2F with a real feel of -19F on average), so getting to working on dolls has been a challenge. Thanks for understanding, you guys are the best! It's been a looooong week for me work wise so it felt good to work on dolls today a bit! I mostly did modding work, I'm hoping to actually face up tomorrow! I finally dyed the Ringdoll Fat Happiness to a nice chocolate tan color. It didn't turn out very even, but it's still decent for my first time dyeing a doll. I had already sanded him completely as he had a previous dye job that hadn't gone too well. The client is happy with the dye job, so now I can finally give him a face up! What amazed me the most with the Fat Happiness is that he's a lot bigger than I thought! He's a large YoSD! Either way, I used iDye Poly in brown to get him this color. I kept increasing the timer to get all the pieces the same color roughly! It's amazing how different he looks from when he first arrived to me. Then here's the other doll I modded today, a Resinsoul Mei in light tan/coffee color. The client only wanted me to give her fangs, they are going to try their hand at giving her a face up themselves. I was happy to do the mod for them. Once the fangs cure fully I'm going to clean up the grey on the lip.
That's it for now from me, until next time! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025