Well this is embarrassing, I completely forgot to post a blog for the faceups I finished in April, whoops. Well, as they say, better late than never!
I did not get much done in April sadly, only two faceups and a tiny body/fantasy blushing. But hey, at least I got something to show! The things I did get done and worked on were commissions, so I am glad they are completed to the clients' satisfaction. I worked on a Luts SeniorDelf Karis and I fully customized a Penny's Box Antu Neon centaur. It'll be a short post today, as I don't have much to show. But without further ado, onto the pictures and rambling under the break!
Hello and welcome to Autumn! I was a very busy bee in September, more so than I have been most of this year regarding BJD work. I am almost through all of my commissions that I have on me currently (just 2 body blushes including mani- and pedicures are missing) until the next ones arrive.
Anyway, things that I worked on and completed this past September are two Luts ZuzuDelf Minimi Corni faceups with their bodies and pedestals also painted, a modded Resinsoul Ju on a modded Resinsoul Zhen body and fantasy parts blushing, and then faceups on a Peakswoods Lune the Dark Elf, a Peakswoods Goldie, a Mystic Kids Elisa Elf, an Akagidoll Yusri, and a Msytic Kids Petra. I also started on the two RealFees but didn't finish them until this month (October) so they'll be in the next update. Important to mention, this blog post contains full (doll) nudity! Be advised, that this is a long blog post. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break! Hello everyone and happy midway through September! I've been a busy bee this past month and I'll be sharing a few things from August. In August I spent more time digitally drawing than painting dolls, but for that I did get some things doll-wise done too.
Things to share is a Dream Valley Bor from my personal collection, a Luts Kid Delf Summer Event head from 2017, my Simply Divine Thomas, and the Soom SG Obsidius Archangel wings from the "Ode, an der Abgrund" release. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! I'm a little late to posting the work of June, but as they say, better late than never!
I was a busy bee this past month, completing 4 faceups, a full body blush, an extensive chest and arm tattoo and some fantasy parts. One faceup (MYOU 1/6 Gina) I cannot show as the sealant bubbled right before I took documentation pictures. I did document it, but wiped it shortly after. I will redo it during this month, the client is alright with this. Anyway, on the list to share is a Dream Valley Apocalypse Horseman Withered, a YBee Doll Nora and her body, and last but not least is a Luts Kid Delf Zuzu Corni, her fantasy parts (ears and tail), and her body (Luts KDF Girl Romantic Body), which also received a mani/pedicure. So without ado, onto the pictures and ramblings under the cut! Hello all! It's been a hot minute since I last posted, not for lack of having you content to post, but rather I had a lot of errangs and appointments these past couple of weeks. I am so grateful for everyone that commissioned me through my birthday sale last month, it's been a tremendous boost of confidence and joy!
I am still expecting a few commissions to come in, therefore I am still keeping my slots closed for now. But in better news, I have a lot of new things to share! I have an Asleep Eidolon Agnes in SD scale, a Doll Family-A Auriel, a Dollzone Ivana set of wings, a Luts KDF Summer Event 2013 head, and a set of Smart Doll hands. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break! Well it's been a good hot minute since I have updated here. I have a lot to show! I will need to split all the new work into two posts I think so the blog post doesn't get too long. I still need to document the Resinsoul Twilight body commission.
Today I'm gonna show a Dollzone Sho, a Doll Leaves Lan, a Luts KDF 2012 Winter Event head, and a Telesthesia Doll Louis.Windsor. Without further ado, onto some pictures! Hello everyone and I hope you all had a great start into the new year. Mine was a bit rocky due to frequent illnesses, but I am finally on the mend so I was able to get some face ups done, but only two sadly. I have a couple other things started, but the weather's been abysmal and wet, and work has started up again too so time has been limited.
Anyway, the two heads I painted were a Doll Family-A Susu (for myself) and a Luts KDF Mill. Both needed color matches to different company resins. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! Wow! It's March already, time sure flies when you're having fun! Anyway, I've been a busy bee again and completed two face ups this past week and sent them out yesterday. I worked on a Luts Kid Delf 2012 Winter Event head and a Luts Tiny Delf Tyltyl Elf, both in normal real skin.
Oh! I finally bought a small light box from Amazon to take my face up pictures with, but I'm waiting on it to be delivered probably today. I can't wait to give it a whirl! Only took me, what, 6 years to get one? But anyway, onto some pictures under the cut! I was a busy bee this week, besides painting a Luts SDF 2016 Summer Event head, I also cleaned most of the apartment with my wife. She's finally back in Austria for the time being. Hopefully for good this time! Can't say more on it currently though.
But anyway, onto some pictures of the Luts head under the read more break! Alright! Those that keep track of my website changes have probably already seen in my examples gallery that I posted 4 more face ups. I was a very busy bee this past weekend and painted them all over the course of 2 days to distract myself. My wife had to return to the US for the next 3 months as we sort things out with the immigration department here in Austria. I won't go into it here, but it's left me pretty lonely in my apartment with my two cats. Anyway, the heads I painted are CP Luts Delf Modded Chiwoo SS, CP Luts Nanuri '06, Luts SDF Loid, and a Luts SDF Winter Event 2011 head. I posted them in the last blog post freshly scrubbed clean. A brave Mr.Clean Magic Eraser gave its life for that purpose. Poor thing stood no chance! Without further ado, onto some pictures! They are in the order that I listed them above. The client asked for natural face ups for all of them. I love how different their expressions are. Though I wish I'd taken before picturs of the ones with face ups to show how much they've changed. The Chiwoo for example was a goth boy. No longer though!
I replaced the eye putty in the Luts Loid because he had polymer clay in there which had already cracked his acrylic eyes. The others were sent without eyes so for the sake of pictures I just used some I had laying around. I have a lot less spare eyes now than I used to! Since I managed to finish so many commissions in such a short span of time, I'm opening commissions again for this month! So if you've got a blank head rolling around and desire one of my face ups, please send me a message on my contact page! That's all from me for now. Until next time! I had a long week, but I managed to relax a bit with a face up on Friday. I got to paint a Lati S.Belle in normal skin as a little goth. She turned out really cute! I can't wait to see her put together! Without further ado, onto some pictures! She's cute as a button! I had a lot of fun with painting her. I didn't want her lips to be pure black, so I made them a grayish red instead. I also received a large commission order, one for 4 SD heads. Three still had face ups, so I scrubbed those clean last night and gave the 4th head a cleaning too. The poor eraser stood no chance against them. I'm impressed it only took one whole eraser to get them all clean with. From left to right we have a modded Luts CP Chiwoo SS, a Luts CP Nanuri '06, a Luts Winter 2011 Event Head, and a Luts Loid. All except for the Chiwoo, who is beauty white, are normal skin.
I've already started on all the normal skin heads as they pretty much all can use the same palette for blushing. So far they got their eyebrows and the first blushing layer. The Chiwoo will get painted by himself as he needs a different palette for being white skin. I'm having fun either way! Anyway, that's all from me for now! Until next time! I had a nice and productive weekend, despite only having Sunday off this past week. I worked 6 days at my job, which is fine, but it does cut into my face up time a bit. Anyway, I worked on a Heartstrung Bulbi and a Luts Kid Delf Satyresse Yul. The Bulbi I was asked to paint naturally, and the Yul I was given artist choice. Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Heartstrung Bulbi in chocolate dark tan skin. I'm not sure why my sealant went so shiny on the head, might be because I was using Purity Seal rather than MSC. I tried matting it down by doing the final coat with MSC, but it didn't help much. This resin color is always an interesting challenge for me to work on, because blushing doesn't really show up very well. I promise it is there though! Then next up with we have the Luts KDF Satyresse Yul in light tan. She belongs to a friend and has been hanging out at my place for ages because they couldn't make up their mind on what they wanted for her. Finally my friend settled on artist choice so I had fun with it. They love the work, so I'm happy too!
That's all from me for now, until next time! I finally documented the Luts Senior Delf Girl Type 1 body in light tan yesterday and got the images approved by the client. Now just to pack her up, the SDF Summer 2016 event head and get some shipping estimates! Anyway, onto some pictures! I'm quite proud of the blushing, and it really is a beautiful body and poses oh so nicely. She has subtle freckling all along her chest and back, and some along her upper arms. I tried to keep them in places where the joints wouldn't rub in the sockets. Now to just get her packed up and sent home! I'm hoping today to work on more face ups again as yesterday I hit a wall after work due to a bad migraine. I'm feeling much better today and as long as the weather holds I should be fine! This morning I also FINALLY dusted the doll dresser, it was getting pretty grey from dark brown/nearly black. Whoops... It just took a little bit because there's 27 dolls between my wife and I. The cats were most excited by the dresser being doll-less and I had to shoo them away the boogers. This is all of them currently. I'm slowly saving up towards one more, but I fear I have to grab into my doll fund to get my car fixed. Something got mucked up when I got new tires and the alignment fixed... Now my car won't start properly. Fortunately we do have enough saved up to maintain my car. We can't afford for me not to be mobile on my own. Sorry for the rambling!
Anyway, that's all from me for now, until next time! I had a nice and productive weekend! I finished up two face ups (one I did twice because the sealant frosted and almost flaked the first time), and a body blush! The face ups are on an Orange Tea Dolls Olivka and Violka in dark tan. The body blush is a Luts Senior Delf girl body in light tan. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up is the Orange Tea Dolls Violka in dark tan. This is possibly the darkest resin I've worked on thus far (besides that little black cat). It was an interesting challenge to figure out the color palette for blushing. The client wanted natural face ups for both Violka and Olivka. Then next up we have the Olivka in dark tan. This one I had to do twice because my sealant frosted really bad on her and created weird spider web patterns. At least it was a natural face up and not a super detailed fantasy one. I haven't properly documented the body blush on the Luts Senior Delf girl body yet, but I will today. For now I just have some badly lit pictures on my desk. She's definitely a gorgeous one. I did the face up a little ways back, and worked back into it yesterday to pop the lips more. For the body I did freckles, blushing, and a french manicure. The client didn't want her feet blushed as she's intending to get her some high heeled feet down the line. Now to document everything properly once I find the time after work!
Also, I just need to gush about this, but I overshot my secondary goal for this year in face up milestones! My first was to get to 250 completed face ups total since starting to do them, and then my secondary goal was 275. I'm now at 276 completed face ups and it's only October! So far this year I've done 61 face ups (and some body blushes too, but I don't count those towards the face up collage). Usually I do on average 55 face ups a year, so I feel I'm doing quite well! I still have more to do before I re-open commissions again. That's it for now, until next time! I've been a busy bee this past week with work, but I managed to get some new face ups and the such done! I'm hoping to work on even more today since it's the butt crack of dawn still, the whole day is still ahead of me! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is a friend's Fairyland MNF Rendia in tan skin. She is a sea witch, and I was given free reign on the lips, so I did a sea green fade. I felt natural lips would be a little bland. I always love working on this color resin, even if blushing sometimes is challenging. It's not often I get to apply piercings to dolls despite having all the resources for it. I also did a comparison to her default face up. It wasn't a bad face up at all, but I do feel that Fairyland put the eyebrows waaaay too high on it. My friend had added the piercings herself, which I copied over into the custom face up. Next up is the finally completed Doll Chateau Jakov for another friend. He was pretty much done, I just had to finish up his wings. He's a David Bowie tribute doll and is finally on his way back home to his owner. Safe travels, friend! This one is a Luts Senior Delf Isabella in tan skin. It is such a lovely color! I need to work back into her lips a little more and give them more definition. She's also getting a full body blush with freckles plus a french manicure. I'm hoping to work on that today in the afternoon!
That's all for now my friends, until next time! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025