Hello and welcome back for Part 2 of work from June 2024! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for another blog post! My weekend has been nice and relaxing, and fun too after meeting with some friends in the hobby.
Today I'm gonna share the pictures of the Soom SG Chrom, Hopeful Creation Ana, Pipos R.PI Charlotte and her hands and tail, and a FenJieXian Elf Series 1.0 Number 1 and a Number 3. Without further ado, onto some pictures and ramblings under the break!
Hello and welcome back to my blog, folks! I had an easy month this past February and only completed 2 commission faceups as the weather was cruddy and I didn't feel like redoing any of my own dolls, since I did so many the previous month.
I painted a Soom MD Serin/Rico open eyed head in normal skin from the first release back in 2014, and I repainted the YBee Doll Nora in strawberry pink skin that I had painted in 2023 originally. It's been a hot minute on that one though! I also had started on a full package commission on a Dream Valley Olivia, but I wasn't able to finish her until this current month (March). Anyway, without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! Hello everyone and happy midway through September! I've been a busy bee this past month and I'll be sharing a few things from August. In August I spent more time digitally drawing than painting dolls, but for that I did get some things doll-wise done too.
Things to share is a Dream Valley Bor from my personal collection, a Luts Kid Delf Summer Event head from 2017, my Simply Divine Thomas, and the Soom SG Obsidius Archangel wings from the "Ode, an der Abgrund" release. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! First things first, I want to thank all of you for sticking with me these past 2 months of hardly any updating. There's been a bad heatwave followed by a rough cold snap, and now the weather keeps changing from sunny to storming within the same day and it's done a number on my head (I suffer from migraines).
Anyway, I did get a few things done still in July that I wanted to share here. I managed to complete 3 faceups and two little Baby Mossling figures by Goblin Tales BJD. The faceups are on a Soom Heliot from the free choice event in 2011, a Soom Obsidius from this year (2023), and the redo on the MYOU 1/6 scale Gina. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! This past month I have been a super busy bee with getting through many commissions, and I ended the month with a solid 11 faceups. I do have another I had started along with a body blush, but I ran out of time to complete them.
I won't be sharing all of them today, because that would make this the blog post that never ends... First up though, the FYI: As I already wrote on my homepage, I am closing commissions Friday, in other words tomorrow, because I want time to finish all the commissions this month, so that I can be away from home guilt free starting January 11th, 2023. I will be gone for 6 weeks, I will be home in the week of February 22nd, 2023. Weird to think that 2022 is almost done with. Thanks for understanding! Today I will share my Faewoods Dolls Orchidaceae, a Charm Doll Eric, a Soom TG Keny, and the Fairyland MNF Ingrid open eyed and sleeping heads. The rest will be shared next week in another blog post. Without further ado, onto some pictures! It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here. I have quite a bit of work to share since I had Covid-19 again the first two weeks of August. I have been posting the collages to the Examples section here, along with some new owner pics as well.
Despite this run of Covid being mild, it still fatigued me horribly and it's taken me quite a while to get back into the swing of working on commissions. I have finished 5 faceups, 2 body blushes, and some fantasy parts since then. Today I will only share the work I still completed in August, otherwise it's just too long of a blog post. Things to share are a Fairyland MNF Alicia, a Popovy Sisters Blue Jay and her body, and a Soom Heliot Fantasy head from the Cosmos release. Without further ado, onto the pictures and ramblings under the break! This'll be probably my last post for the year, but I was able to crank out two more face ups while I wait on commissions to come trickling in. I really really wanted to reach 440 completed face ups this year, and I did!
One of the face ups was a just for fun experiment (Soom Rico), and the other was a long overdue redo on one of my own dolls (Dollzone Chinese Dragon Girl) who's had the same face up for 5 or so years. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! Since I have run out of commissions, and don't have any new ones lined up, I've been redoing my own dolls. That's something I need to periodically do anyway, heh. This past week I had my Soom Beyla/Glot/Eliv with a Peapod Doll mermaid tail, and April Story Betty along with her hands on my work desk to be repainted. Without further ado, onto some pictures! So here we have my April Story Betty as well as her hands. Her hands had gotten horribly chipped since the last time I painted them. The blue french tip was a last minute decision, but I'm glad I did! Her face acquired two more piercings since last time (yes, I do applied piercings and can even imbed them in the resin if so requested), and her eyebrows are lighter to match her new wig! A quick comparison of her last and current face up. Her scar is less red this time, but still there. It simply looks more healed than previously. If you'd like to see a picture of her with her wig, I have one in the Owner Gallery! Next up is my Soom Beyla OE/human head in cream white. She's a little siren girl, so scales were a must! She was quite the restoration process. I'm at least her 3rd owner, and for some parts I'm at least the 4th. Her body is a Soom Glot torso with Soom Eliv arms and ears, and a Peapod Doll mermaid tail that I later uncovered to be a sakura pink color AND one of 2 with a fade from dark butt to lighter fin in this color! What a special little girl! I scored her on the DoA MP for a good price. She was double painted (as in she was painted once, and then painted over again without removing the previous paint job), and boy was that annoying to remove. First things first, I took her apart (some of her joints were glued together from acrylic paint...) and threw her to soak in some 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I started with the little bowl to clean her torso of the caked on paint and the glitter. After much scrubbing I got at least her torso clean. Her hands were still with a lot of paint on them, so I left them to soak longer. I quickly realized she'd need to soak fully in alcohol for at least 24 hours to remove the remaining paint. So I did that. I poured 500ml of alcohol into some tupperware and put all her painted tail pieces in there. So here my suspicion of her fin being pink was confirmed! Under the hot pink and white paint was a layer of purple and gold. The purple and gold paint sadly stained her a little in places, but that's nothing I can't hide with the new blush job! After 1.5 days of soaking in 99.9% isopropyl alcohol, she was finally as clean as I was going to be able to get her. I replaced all the elastic in her and restrung her. She can do some cute things with her tail! Her face up is above obviously, but I haven't documented her body blush yet. So here she is all painted and refreshed! I slathered her in Aztec Gold PearlEx shimmer pigment after blushing her with reds. Please excuse the cruddy cell phone picture, my camera on my phone is getting dated...
The clothing is just spare stuff I had laying around, but the wig is hers and the eyes I specially made for her too. I wanted her to shimmer between gold and red as her parents are a Siren and a Fire Elemental. I think she suits them both! I'm so glad I got her after all as I'd been eyeing her on the MP for a few weeks already, trying to talk myself out of her. But I've wanted a YoSD mermaid for years now and was super sad when Peapod Doll closed... Either way, all's good! That's all from me for now, until next time! As I'm still waiting on a commission to leave customs (don't know the charges yet), I painted my wife's last two blank heads. They are Soom MD Serin/Rico heads, one is the open eyed version, the other is the romantic head. Now I just need to paint the torso of her Dollzone body and she's finished other than her proper outfit. Without further ado, onto some pictures! I worked on both heads together as they belong to the same character. I tried to keep the scales as identical as I could, so that it wouldn't be as jarring to switch between the heads. I love doing freckles, it's been too long since I've done lots of them!
I've been experimenting with Citadel Munitorum for my own face ups, as I'm trying to save my MSC for commissions. So far I still prefer MSC, I feel it has a better tooth and colors stick better to it than the Citadel sealant. For example I had to really layer the lips with far darker and intenser colors than I usually do when I use MSC. For commissions I'm still gonna stick to using the MSC, because I know that beast better. The Munitorum also has a satin finish rather than a true matte. I'm finally healthy physically again, will be heading to the post office today to send out some packages that I've been sitting on far too long. I apologize for the delay! Oh! Just a little exciting for me news, I'm almost at 400 face ups! I'm literally at 397 currently. Two more and I can repaint Zephyra and see if I've gotten better in the last two years. I am excited! Commissions are still open, so please don't hesitate to contact me! That's all from me for now, until next time! Now that I've been back over a week from my vacation trip to Turkey with my dad, his girlfriend, and my wife, I can finally get back to painting dolls! Before I left I painted my wife's Aimerai QT Melodie in white skin, and when I got back I repainted my own Soom FC Chrom in bronze and I gave my April Story Betty on the NB-SD16 body a tattoo on the left arm and manicure. Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is my wife's Aimerai QT Melodie. This thing was truly a pain in the butt to work on... She does not like to stand or pose very well, and keeps flipping her wings around. And then my wife gave me a difficult concept to work with... carousel horse. I did my best, and she turned out cute, but boy am I glad she's done! I even gave her little earrings, and a mohair mane and tail! Here's my Soom FC Chrom in bronze with his new face up. I really like the blushing a lot more this time around. His last face up wasn't bad, but he'd chipped the eyebrows by face-planting too often (old SG Soom body, it really can't pose very well...) and he got a new wig. Here's the comparison to his last face up compared to his current one. He fought me bitterly on his eyebrows and eyelashes, but I persevered and won the war in the end... It took me like an hour of painting and redoing the eyebrows over and over. I even had to take a break because he was being that stubborn about them! I really need to get better white paint... In the Owner Gallery is a picture of him with his wig and body. Poor thing is unevenly yellowed at this point, but I still love him, uneven coloring and all! And now, last but not least, are the hands and the left arm of my April Story NB-SD16 girl body. I slaved over that tattoo for at least 6-7 hours, but probably longer. I did it in stages over the course of two days. Now I just need to tattoo her right arm too, but all in due time. This is the first full sleeve tattoo I've ever done and the first full color one to boot. I'm debating adding a fake ring onto her hand as she's a married character, but I don't have her husband so it feels moot to do it. Maybe this is when they were still dating and her college days. Yeah, I'll go with that! Here she is, and she definitely needs something on her other arm too, and maybe some cute little tattoos on her hips! I may also swap out her eyelashes for nicer blue ones that I got in from Taobao. I think that would look nice on her!
Anyway, that's all for now, I'm still open for commission and won't be raising my prices until summer so now is as good of a time as any to message me! Until next time! I think I finally beat the crud for the most part, so to celebrate I repainted my girl Winter. She is a Soom MD Beyla Romantic head on a Fairyland LTF body with Daisy Dayes hooves. She's a fun little hybrid! I've been meaning to repaint her for several months now, especially since I gave her little wings that I painted for her in December. I need to get some full body pictures of her sometime.
Anyway, onto some pictures under the cut! I managed to get wickedly sick last weekend and spent some time recovering while also running errands for my family. But I am now well again and able to post my latest face up on a Soom MD Wolf Knight R (human) head! He's in normal skin, and I gave him a generic pretty boy face up as he's for sale from my wife (I'm handling the sale though as he's in my possession at this time). Anyway, onto some pictures! He's a handsome head, but my wife is reshelling the character into a different head, and will be getting his twin down the line too. It's easier to make twins with a more readily available head. We're keeping the body at least though!
Anyway, I have commissions trickling in again, one just arrived all the way from New Zealand! I still have a slot open for November if anyone is interested in a face up from me! Though I do have an FYI: I'm flying for a week to Miami, Florida in the USA to see my wife for Thanksgiving. So obviously in that week I won't be producing any new work. I'm excited to see my wife again! It's been a little over a month since she had to leave Austria. My family and I are continuing the battle to move her here with me! That's all from me for now, until next time! I finished up the two heads from last time yesterday with eyelashes and all. Both the owner and I are pleased with the end result. Without further ado, onto some pictures! The white skin head is a Soom MD Beyla Romantic head, and the grey one is a Soom MD Bygg human head.
I had a lot of fun with them, it was an interesting challenge making them so pink since I usually try to keep my blushing more natural. I also almost forgot to take my eyes out of the heads again. I had packed the heads up and everything, so I had to unwrap them and pull the eyes out. Whoops! Also, I'm not accepting any more commissions for this year as I'm leaving in a little over two weeks for Vienna, Austria to visit my family there for Christmas. I'll be there from December 20th until January 2nd. And as a last note, happy Thanksgiving to the USA peeps! I'm going to spend the day tomorrow with my wife and my mom having a nice homemade turkey dinner. Since I didn't have to go to either of my day jobs yesterday, I decided to work on face ups instead from the morning into the afternoon. I worked for about 5 hours non-stop on two heads, a Soom MD Beyla romantic and Soom MD Bygg human head. Due to the freezing temperatures (16ºF and lower), I had to go to my old college campus to work. I sadly didn't take into account that there was an event going on (a pretty big on, the art sale), so I had to hide myself away in a different area to work. Either way, I'm just about done with the two heads, I just ran out of steam after 5 hours and had to go home. I also got pretty hungry as I couldn't eat in the space I was working in, and didn't want to even try and pack up everything so I could go somewhere where I could eat and come back. Here are the WIP pictures so far. I need to punch up the pinks along the eyes and lips more, but otherwise they are just about done. I also need to check if the owner would like them to have applied eyelashes, and if so, what color. I'm hopeful I can work on them today to get them done. Someone asked me on one of the Facebook groups if I had used a stencil for the rose on the Bygg's face because it looks so perfect. That made me super happy because I didn't, it's free-hand.
Also I'm not accepting any new commissions until I get back from Austria in January, 2016. I'd rather not have to rush through them all, or have them sit for several weeks while I'm out of the country. Anyway, that's all from me for now! If I don't update before Thursday, happy Thanksgiving to all the USA peeps! I managed to whip up a quick face up on my wife's Soom MD Wolf Knight Romantic (human) head this weekend because his character changed. He's no longer a righteous blond paladin, now he's a sassy purple-haired telepathic lawyer. Obviously that meant he needed a new face up to embody that character. Anyway, onto some pictures! I recently got more watercolor paints and one of the colors is a plum purple, which came in super handy when I worked on this face up. I did mix some more blue and white into it to match the wig better. I had to trim the eyelashes big time as they were 8mm long, and that just didn't suit him. He looks so different in each picture, but I promise that's the same head. It's amazing what a difference a face up can make.
And now for a picture of him all put together. |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
December 2024