As many of you have already seen, I have reopened commissions a week ago on my birthday. I am still open to accepting a few more slots, so if you need a faceup from within the EU, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
I was a busy bee in March, so I got quite a few more things to show to finish up the month with work I've completed. There's 2 faceups and 3 body blushes, so please be aware there is doll nudity in this post. Today I will share a Granado 15Ascent Ninth and his body, a Maskcat Doll 2020 Anniversary Event Cat doll, and the biggest of my commissions this round, a Dollzone Chun who got the full treatement including mods. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the read more break!
I've been quite the busy bee since the last time I posted, despite the frequently cruddy weather. I'm slowly getting back on track of things and packed up all my finished commissions to ready them for shipping to their owners.
I would also like to apologize for my lack of communication lately, there's been a lot of stress in my family life along with a worsening of my mental state, but I am slowly pulling myself together again. I am bound and determined to answer the last couple of emails to confirm shipping addresses and quotes, as well as fill out the customs forms for each one. Anyway, things to show today are a Withdoll Ash elf, a modded Smart Doll Chaos Envisage, the Dollzone Venus Halo body (B45-017) with her fantasy/SciFi parts, and a Volks SD Saki. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the cut! I've had a busy couple of days where I cranked out a couple commissions, and started on another! I cleaned, sueded, restrung, and blushed a Doll Chateau K-01 body, cleaned and face upped another Dollzone Dale (human bodied this time), and modded some fangs onto a Doll Leaves Laura who will get face upped in the next few days! I'm excited to show the new work!
Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who partook in my birthday sale, and who has commissioned me outside of it too! You guys rock and make this passion and hobby of mine possible! Anyway, I managed to get a good start on all the commissions I still have currently on me! One is a Doll in Mind Benetia on a Miracel Doll MSD girl body, both in white skin, but I've only got the face up done so far. I also started working on the Doll Leaves Alisa by modding some fangs onto her per the client's request. I managed to finish up the body blush on the Crobidoll R-Line Evolve body in normal skin and sent him and his head back home! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Crobidoll body, he's an older one so I had to do some extra pink blushing along the hands and neck to make him match better to his newer head. I'm glad he's done and I'm hoping the client will like the work in person too! After getting permission from the client, I also gave his bangs a trim, as they covered his lovely eyes! Then here we have the Doll in Mind Benetia in white skin. She was fun to bloody-up! Her Miracle Doll body will get a similar treatment! The eyes were made by me too (acrylic bases with digitally drawn and then printed irises), now she's extra spooky! Then here's the Doll Leaves Alisa in normal skin with her fang mod so far. She's gonna be a gothic beauty as well! No blood though on her. And last, but certainly not least, are the three 3D printed Pipa instruments I'm going to paint for a client. I assembled them so far and glued everything in place, so now all that's left is sealing and painting!
So much fun work still ahead of me. That's all from me for now, until next time! I've been back a few days now from vacationing with my wife and in-laws in Florida, and I think I've finally settled back into the groove of things. Work is a bit hectic with it being the new year (we need everything new from the patients), and my hours are still a bit crazy for another few weeks I think. Anyway, I did manage to squeeze out a face up and started work on a massive commission. The face up I did is on a Doll Chateau Andre in white skin, and the other head I started on is a Nobility Doll MNM Bill Kaulitz head. First up is a picture of the DC Andre. All I really have left on his face is gloss, and then I'll blush his body too. I started on that, but I haven't gotten far yet unfortunately. He's the brother of the DC Jakov I painted recently, the one with the black horns and wings! Then here's the Nobility Doll MNM Bill Kaulitz head. So far I've modded his eyes more open and gave her ear gages. That's the first time I've done a mod like that! Took a while to figure out. Finally I just carved into his ear and shoved the eyelet in and sculpted around it. The addition will be color matched as he needs to be color matched in general to a LoongSoul NS body. He's going to be Tom, Bill's brohter, hence why the eye opening mod (they are identical twins but have some differences). I'm planning on face upping my brains out this weekend!
Now for the FYI: I'm going to stay closed until I get through the large part of my commissions. They really piled up and I'm still adjusting to having less time to work on doll stuff. So the commissions have really piled up and I feel awful about that. So I'm going to play catch up. It's also been exceptionally cold here (-2F with a real feel of -19F on average), so getting to working on dolls has been a challenge. Thanks for understanding, you guys are the best! It's been a looooong week for me work wise so it felt good to work on dolls today a bit! I mostly did modding work, I'm hoping to actually face up tomorrow! I finally dyed the Ringdoll Fat Happiness to a nice chocolate tan color. It didn't turn out very even, but it's still decent for my first time dyeing a doll. I had already sanded him completely as he had a previous dye job that hadn't gone too well. The client is happy with the dye job, so now I can finally give him a face up! What amazed me the most with the Fat Happiness is that he's a lot bigger than I thought! He's a large YoSD! Either way, I used iDye Poly in brown to get him this color. I kept increasing the timer to get all the pieces the same color roughly! It's amazing how different he looks from when he first arrived to me. Then here's the other doll I modded today, a Resinsoul Mei in light tan/coffee color. The client only wanted me to give her fangs, they are going to try their hand at giving her a face up themselves. I was happy to do the mod for them. Once the fangs cure fully I'm going to clean up the grey on the lip.
That's it for now from me, until next time! I finally was able to finish one of my more difficult commissions, lots of first things to be done for me as a face up artist with this one! The commission consisted of working on a Dollclans Vezeto in normal skin and an Iplehouse SID male torso in special real skin. The work that needed to be done was extensive. I had to mod the neck smaller by about 1.5cm (first neck mod ever for me), color match the head to the torso, blush the torso and paint body hair, and then finally also a face up on the head. The color match alone took me 3 days to do as I did it all with pastels. I sadly don't know how to use an airbrush. Either way, onto some pictures! First up is the head, he's quite a few shades darker now than when he came to me. I struggled with the color match because I started it too orange, so I kept on having to put layers of light blue over it to tone it down. It turned out a little dark, but it's much better than before I blushed him! In the last picture you can see his headcap as a comparison. Then here we have the body, or rather the torso of an Iplehouse SID male body in special real skin. The mod took quite a while to do too, and I had to use my dremel to get anywhere with it. Once I had it almost small enough I finished it off with sand paper. I spent roughly 3-4 hours on the body hair alone. This is only the second time I've done body hair so far! Entertainingly enough, both times the clients asked for unnatural colors; blue for the first one, and wine red for this one. And here we have the comparison of the head before and after color matching and face upping. What a difference! Here you can see that the head ended up being a little too dark, but I feel it's an acceptable difference. I definitely under charged for the color matching as I didn't realize how long and intensive it was going to be...
Anyway, I'm glad he's done! Now onto my next commissions! I finally finished the eye mod and face up on the Mirodoll Lele yesterday. He was an interesting challenge to work on, and only the second eye mod I've ever done. The first was an eye-closing mod on a Dollzone April where I modded her from open to dreaming. The sculpting is very strange on the Mirodoll Lele, but I did my best with him! Anyway, onto some pictures! Here he is in all his glory. I've jokingly nicknamed him Mr. Anger because of the pronounced brow bone. And here's the before and after mod picture of him. His eyes were far to wide, close together, and narrow. Modding the eyes was definitely a learning curve. Good thing I still have all of my sculpting tools!
I used Apoxie Sculpt in bright white (I think that's the color) and then color matched it afterwards with watercolor paint. I'm slowly starting to debate offering mod work regularly rather than on a request basis. Either way, that's all from me for now! This past week was nuts with working both my jobs and running a ton of errands, but I did finally manage to get the Resinsoul Li done. I modded her ears from human to elf, color matched them, and gave her a face up. She's meant to look like Impa from Legend of Zelda. Without further ado, onto some pictures! I had a lot of fun with this face up, and she did not fight me as hard on her eyebrows as the last white eyebrow-ed face up I did. I literally taped reference pictures of Impa the client kindly sent with to my cabinet. It helped while I was working for sure!
That's all from me for this weekend. I only had one day off (today), which is why I have only one face up to show. I have more to do of course, which I'll tackle through out this week I hope. Fingers crossed! With a beautiful 49 degrees outside and everything melting, spring is finally knocking on our door! Too bad it's going to snow again tomorrow. Fortunately it won't stay with how warm it is supposed to be. Either way, I have some new work to show! I finished up the modded DZ April and finally got around to working on the Only Doll RouDie as well. I took one of my liner brushes and trimmed it until it was a 30/0 rather than a 5/0. I'm really happy with how both turned out. I haven't done much with colorful eyeshadow, but I really like how the OnlyDoll turned out. I also really liked the eyelashes I was sent. I wish I could keep the extras, but I'm not, I'm going to send them back. I'll just ask her where they are from. I'm expecting a few more heads soon, so keep an eye out for new work in the next few weeks!
I've been switched to a new work schedule at my job, so now I have Sunday through Tuesday off, but for that I work 4 ten hour shifts a week. I managed to get through one of those on Saturday, so here's to hoping I can get through 4 in a row! I finally finished glossing the heads from the last picture, and got a good chunk painted of the modded DZ April head. I had a lot of fun with these guys, though my eyes were ready to pop out working on the Apple Biki head. It's just so tiny... I also have some WIP shots of the DZ April head. I was originally trying to match her to her default face up, but that quickly proved to be too difficult with just pastels. I valiantly tried for over an hour, before I gave up and just went to town on the head. She is a fantasy character anyway. Basically what I did was mod her eyes to dreaming (first mod I've done like that), I just now need to learn how to use my airbrush so I can colormatch the apoxie sculpt parts to the skin tone better. Oh well, I'll do that next time... The head is no where near done with the paint job.
In other news, the pipe burst in our wall again flooding half the living room this time. We also have a new hole in the wall from that. Hopefully this time when they fix it they won't need to punch another hole in. I was certainly busy yesterday. I painted 3 heads and cleaned up a dreaming eye mod I was working on. From left to right:
Apple Biki Head, Fairyland LTF Baby Ruru, Hujoo Nano Freya, Dollzone April. Not much is left on the painted heads, only gloss and they can all go home. The DZ April head is getting painted hopefully today along with another head I received in the mail yesterday from a commissioner. It's a good thing I bought more MSC recently because I would have been down to just 1 bottle, and that's never enough. I'm safely at 4 bottles now, so I won't need to worry about stocking up again anytime soon... hopefully that is. I tried my hand at doing an elf ear mod on my DragonDoll Caesar head. I'm rather pleased with the results. His ears are technically not done yet, I still need to add some sculpted feathers along the edges.
I'm thinking of offering elf ear mods as a services as well since I have a ton of apoxie sculpt that I'd love to use. In other news, the DC Bella has arrived so I'll be starting work on her either tomorrow or Thursday. I'm looking forward to it! She's such a beautiful sculpt. After starting a mod back in January, I finally finished my unicorn girl Rose. She was once a Dollzone Sheep, but I hybrided her with Daisy Dayes hooves. The hooves originally did not fit, so I had to mod the thighs heavily to work with them. Once I finished the mods I finally finished blushing her fully yesterday! I am quite proud of how she turned out, especially for a first mod!
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
December 2024