It's May, so now I am gonna post the completed work from April, but before I get into that I wanted to go over the FYI.
The cost of living has gone up horribly this year along with my rent, so I needed to increase my prices as well. Please see Commission & Prices for the new costs. All estimates I have already provided are valid and won't be changed. Commissions are still open, so feel free to contact me for a quote or a slot! Now with the FYI out of the way, let's cover what aesthetics I did the last month. I worked on a Dollzone Po, an Iplehouse EID Gentle Akando, a pair of Miracle Doll 1/4 girl feet, a Dollmore Kid Sona, and a pair of Fairyland MNF Roller Skates. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break!
Well, I got hit hard with the crud in December and wasn’t as productive as I hoped I’d be. I did manage some work before I succumbed to illness in the beginning of the month, but it was way less than I planned for. Oh well, at least I did get some things done!
Things I have to show for today are a Popovy Sisters Tawny Owl on Body IV in coral skin, a Fairyland Feeple60 El Elf Event A 2021 head, and a Doll Family-H 1/3 scale Small bust piece. The last two belong together so. Just as a quick warning, this post does contain doll nudity. Without further ado, onto some pictures and blathering under the break! It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here. I have quite a bit of work to share since I had Covid-19 again the first two weeks of August. I have been posting the collages to the Examples section here, along with some new owner pics as well.
Despite this run of Covid being mild, it still fatigued me horribly and it's taken me quite a while to get back into the swing of working on commissions. I have finished 5 faceups, 2 body blushes, and some fantasy parts since then. Today I will only share the work I still completed in August, otherwise it's just too long of a blog post. Things to share are a Fairyland MNF Alicia, a Popovy Sisters Blue Jay and her body, and a Soom Heliot Fantasy head from the Cosmos release. Without further ado, onto the pictures and ramblings under the break! It is that time again to post new faceups I've completed the past month. I've also closed for new slots for the time being as I have a lot of commissions to get through, for which I am very grateful! Once I get down to only two remaining commissions, I will reopen slots.
I'm currently working on 3 heads at once on my desk, most of which are natural based so it should take too long to get those done. Another multipart commission arrived this morning while I was faceupping, so that is exciting too. As for the FYI, I have restructured how I price my faceups. Instead of charging based on the doll's height, I am going to go off head size, as I should have ages ago. When I first started faceupping, most dolls had the same head sizes within their respective ranges, but now there is so much variety that I needed to clarify my pricing. That way I won't be over- or under-charging for the work that goes into my faceups. I am of course honoring all the current estimates that I have already accepted. To get a better idea of my pricing, please head on over to the Commission & Prices page. Anyway, today I will show the faceups I completed in January 2022. Sculpts to show are a Popovy Sisters Blue Jay, twin Doll Family-A, and a Moonlight Jewel Dolls Aylean. Pictures and commentary are under the read more break! I was finally able to finish up a large commission a day or two ago! It consisted of 3 SD heads and two pet dolls. The heads I had already finished and posted over a week ago, but the two pet dolls, LoongSoul Poi, I finished up this week. I'm quite pleased with them as is the client!
If you don't want to read through my blathering about the two dragons, just skip down to the bolded FYI section to find out the news. It is in regards to when I'll reopen slots again. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! I've been a busy busy bee since the last time I posted. I managed to paint a Blythe head, a Figma tiny custom doll (twice), and a Volks YoSD Chinatsu, all different themes! The Blythe was an artist choice face up, the Figma got an elf ear mod and a cute anime-type face up, and the Volks became a cute little freckled girl.
Without further ado, onto some pictures under the cut! Now that everything is put away and we're all settled in Vienna, I'm finally open for commissions again! My prices are a little higher than they used to be, but I feel I've improved enough since the last price raise almost a year ago to warrant it. I switched my prices into Euro from US Dollars. Now for the new work! I finally repainted Susi, my April Story Betty in normal skin, as I never liked her old face up. Plus the booger chipped the blushing along her nose! Without further ado, onto some pictures! I decided to give her piercings this time around as she's a punk-type character. I'm much much happier with the eyelashes this time around, and the scar too! Here's a quick before and after comparison of the face ups. Both are by me, but the second is much better in my opinion. There isn't even that much time between the two face ups. I guess I was more patient with the second one! I'll end this post with the picture of her put together above.
Maybe for my next face up I'll finally repaint Mort, my Dragondoll Cheng! He's had the same face up for a good 5 years now, if not longer! Until next time! I managed to complete another face up this last weekend while also packing up the apartment/our life. We've made great progress in the last 3 days. But anyway, the face up I did was on a Doll Chateau Zora in the old white skin. I was given artist choice, so I used a warm toned color palette. Anyway, onto some pictures! I decided to go with a gold theme for her and mimic the embossing on the body with the painting. I'm rather happy with the outcome! I really like the gold theme I got going here. I didn't paint the body, but the client was fine with that. It would have taken too long. In other news, packing is going well. It took 4 of us 2.5-3 hours to pack up all of my wife's and my dolls. We have 28 dolls between us, of which 12 are SD and larger (from 58cm to 100cm), 6 MSD, 7 YoSD, and 3 tinies. Only one doll is getting to stay out and not travel per shipping container, which is my DC Snow Nymph. She's coming on the plane with me! This is what 28 dolls getting ready for a huge move look like. Three bins, and countless pieces of bubble wrap later and they are all secure and ready to go. Mel looks very smug up there. Our stuff is getting picked up for the shipping container on Friday. We got this!
Until next time! I had a productive Easter weekend where I finally painted my mom's Christmas gift (I had to wait to have some free time) and I painted a spare head of mine for a face up competition on IG. The doll for my mom is a Doll Chateau Larry that I scoured the secondhand market for to find last year after she fell in love with the last one I painted. The IG face up is on my spare Impldoll Azalea head. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up is the DC Larry for my mom. Sadly no wig because I haven't been able ot find one that fits her head. I picked a blue theme because that's my mom's favorite color. She loves how her little snail turned out. Second up is my face up for BJD Face Off on Instagram. I call it the Candy Abomination. We had to submit a blank head and then a theme was announced for the month for us to paint. I just wish that the theme was announced first... It was "Welcome to Candy Land". I'm the first to submit my face up so far.
Anyway, this is my spare Impldoll Azalea elf head I got through the Impldoll FB event. A friend of mine is taking her off of my hands in a trade for some BJD clothes. Oddly the face up is growing on me. Anyway, I should have some new work this week again! Until next time! I heard back from the client and got the green light to finish up the two blue heads! So I got them all done this morning and sent more pictures for the final approval. Now I just need to pack them up securely and send them back once I get paid. Anyway, the heads are an Impldoll Azalea Elf and Gela in custom blue colors. They are mother and daughter, and were a fun challenge to work on. I'd never worked on such bright blue dolls before, but I'm happy with how they turned out! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Azalea. The color of her resin is gorgeous in person, pictures do not do it justice. When she arrived to me she had a big chip in her blushing along her nose and her chin. It took quite a bit of elbow grease to get her clean because of how much paint was on her. Either way, I'm happy with her as is the client! Then we have the Gela in a paler custom blue color. She was trickier to work on than the Azalea due to being less featured than her. Her face is a lot flatter. She still turned out nice in my opinion, and the client likes the work too. The Gela arrived to me with a company face up, and it was very grey and pink, which just didn't suit the poor thing, so the client asked me to repaint her along with the Azalea.
I can't wait to see some owner pictures of these two! Like seriously, this client takes amazing photographs, whether it be their dolls or other subjects. Anyway, that's all from me for now, until next time! I had a productive weekend, I got two commission face ups done! Now to get through all the others! But that'll have to wait as I'll be leaving for New York for a few days on Wednesday and need to prep a few more things. But anyway, I painted a Nefer Kane Mini-Lynn and a Fairyland LTF Rose. Onto some pictures! First up is the Nefer Kane Mini-Lynn I painted for a repeat client who I greatly enjoy working with. They asked me to make the blushing subtle, but with a childlike innocent expression. The head is also minuscule! A little bigger than a US quarter. It's always an interesting challenge for me to paint details on heads that small, but I did it! And the client is happy too, so success! Then here we have the second face up I finished this weekend on the Fairyland LTF Rose in natural skin. This face up was artist choice, with the only instructions being to keep towards a cool toned color palette. I had a lot of fun with the swirls. It's not often I get to do an artist choice, I always get nervous about them because I'm not sure if the client will like it. Fortunately they liked it a lot! I hoped they would as they are a repeat client and friend as well!
I can't wait to see owner pictures of both of these! I always love owner pictures, I don't get nearly enough owner pictures from clients sent my way to display on my website. Yes, this is a subtle plea to those I've painted dolls for to send me pictures! I like to display them with credit to the their respective owners. Now for the FYI: My wife and I are heading to New York this upcoming week to go to the Austrian embassy to submit her application for a residency permit. Things are rolling towards the big move. I'll be sad to leave as this has been my home for 17 years, but I think it'll be a grand adventure and a good change. That means also that I won't be able to get much done doll wise this week. We'll be gone from Wednesday to Saturday. We're staying with a friend of hers that lives there. Oh, also my birthday is coming up, in less than two weeks! I'm turning 28, so strange to think back to where I was 10 years ago. Not EVER going back to that, haha! I like who I am now, even if I haven't quite found my place in the world yet. At least I found a passion I haven't burnt out on or lost! Until next time! I had a very productive weekend! I finished up the Aileen Doll Cyclops and got a face up done on the Impldoll Martin. I still need to do his body blush, mani/pedi, and do a scar mod on his thigh. Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Aileen Doll Cyclops girl in white skin. I only had one eye the right size for her, which entertainingly enough came from another Aileen Doll Cyclops, but the boy version with the fully open eye. For this commission I glued in magnets for the horns in the head, nebula/galaxy face up, blush the horns, and do a mani/pedicure too with blushing. Then next we have the Impldoll Martin in tan skin. The client, a very good friend of mine, asked me to bronze him up a bit as if he's in the sun a lot as he's a surfer character. Now to just blush his body the same way! He also needs a shark bite scar mod on his thigh, which'll be a fun challenge for me!
Commissions are still closed currently as I'm painting my way through all my commissions. I have a rather large pile still to get through. Thank you for everyone being so patient with me. My hours at work will finally go back to normal in a week! WOO! That means I can devote more time to commissions again, I can hardly wait! Until next time! I'm back in the groove for commission work again! This past week I whipped up a face up on a Fairyland RealFee Haru in natural skin. The client asked me to put a Celtic knot on her forehead, which was a fun challenge for me! Without further ado, some pictures! She has a really cute little bird like nose, it's quite adorable! It took me like 2-3 tries to get the Celtic knot good, because I wasn't entirely sure how to do it. Finally I just painted it on with pastels and then went over it with watercolor paint just to erase the pastels again.
The next one up for this client is a RealFee Mari, who's going to have scales! I love doing scales, it's always so much fun! After these last heads arrive, I'm going to close up for the time being just to get through them all. I do keep my waitlist open though! I finally got around to documenting the face ups I completed the other day. It took a while but it is done! First up is the Doll Love WenWen. She's really a cutie! She's going to have pink hair, hence the pink eyebrows. Next up is a Fairyland MNF Mirwen. I've always wanted to see one in person and she really is a pretty sculpt. Usually face up artists either make her angry or sad looking, but my customer didn't want either. I feel she actually looks like she's smiling, so that's good. And last but certainly not least are the two Fairyland PukiFee faceplates. The first is a Mio and the second is a New Family event faceplate.
All the Fairyland face ups were for one person. Now I just need to get all the heads back to their proper owners. Next up is the Magical Angel Kelly (girl). I'm going to have a lot of fun with her. She'll have a face up, body blush, and a mani and pedi. A friend of mine asked me to face up her Luts Satyros Yul in white for her and I managed to finish him yesterday despite having a migraine in the morning. I handed him back to her yesterday afternoon and I am so glad I have photoshop because the documentation pictures were horrible colorwise. I did manage to correct them at least. I think he turned out quite handsome. His name is Blizzard. Also my doll Lily got a new set of legs recently. They are Soom MD Cheshire legs in white skin. I love the way she looks now. The legs aren't a perfect fit, but they are good enough for me.
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
February 2025