Hello all! It's been a hot minute since I last posted, not for lack of having you content to post, but rather I had a lot of errangs and appointments these past couple of weeks. I am so grateful for everyone that commissioned me through my birthday sale last month, it's been a tremendous boost of confidence and joy!
I am still expecting a few commissions to come in, therefore I am still keeping my slots closed for now. But in better news, I have a lot of new things to share! I have an Asleep Eidolon Agnes in SD scale, a Doll Family-A Auriel, a Dollzone Ivana set of wings, a Luts KDF Summer Event 2013 head, and a set of Smart Doll hands. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break!
Since I'm still waiting on my next commissions to come in, I decided to repaint a head I modded ages ago for my wife. The head is a Dollzone April, who I modded from open-eyed to dreaming. It was my first eye mod ever, so it's not perfect, but it looks good enough! Without further ado, onto some pictures! My wife has always wanted me to match her face up to the default on her normal Dollzone April. I had to try and color match, which let me tell you is difficult without an airbrush, to cover the mods. She turned out a little dark, but it's hard to tell in pictures. I'm already plotting how I'd redo this face up down the line. Here you can see the original face up I slapped on her on the left. It was very pretty, but not quite what my wife wanted. It only took me 3-4 years to redo the head. It was low priority since my wife rarely plays with her dolls anymore, but I was itching to paint something, so she was grabbed out of the parts drawer, haha! I will end this post with a comparison picture of the two Dollzone April heads. On the left is the modded one, on the right is the un-modded one with default face up that I added freckles to.
Until next time! I did it guys, I reached my goal of 250 completed face ups! And it was on one of my own dolls, my Dollzone Chen in normal yellow skin. I'm so thrilled that I reached this milestone as I've been a face up artist for about 4.5 years at this point. I've grown so much in this craft, it's amazing to look back. Anyway, let's get to the pictures! I like his eyebrows much better again this time around than last. Last time they were so... expressionless? I'm also much more pleased with his blushing. He looks like he's rolling his eyes, that was not intentional. It's kind of funny how his color seems to be different in each photo, but I promise it's the same head each time! He's on his 4th face up, and it's my favorite so far! Since I reached a milestone, it's time to post my collage again! It's been a while since I've posted my face up collage. It's gotten quite massive at this point! My poor photoshop file takes forever to open! One day I swear I should print it as a blanket or something, not like that'd be creepy or anything to have a blanket of a bunch of heads!
Anyway, I'm expecting some more commissions soon so there'll be lots of new work again! Until next time! A friend of mine asked me to face up her Luts Satyros Yul in white for her and I managed to finish him yesterday despite having a migraine in the morning. I handed him back to her yesterday afternoon and I am so glad I have photoshop because the documentation pictures were horrible colorwise. I did manage to correct them at least. I think he turned out quite handsome. His name is Blizzard. Also my doll Lily got a new set of legs recently. They are Soom MD Cheshire legs in white skin. I love the way she looks now. The legs aren't a perfect fit, but they are good enough for me.
I finished up two commissions today, one that I have had for ages sitting with me from a friend that had given me artistic license to do whatever I wanted to on her Dollmore Gem Doll Dona. I also worked on another friend's Dollzone June. Now for some pictures of the two! First up we have the Dollzone June. My friend wanted her to have freckles and I gave her some of my premium eyelashes, which are pretty but such a pain to put on. They are actually human fake eyelashes that I simply trim to doll sized. Rather sad that this sculpt is discontinued... Then here we have the Dollmore Basic Gem Doll Dona in normal skin. She's actually a fairy, but every time I tried to make her fairy like it just didn't look good, so finally I went with a biker look and it clicked. The head is minuscule, as are her hands. Putting that tattoo on her was a challenge because of her voluptuous nature.
Either way, that leaves me with only one commission now, a Doll Family-A Fox. So tell your friends about my shop if they're looking to commission someone to paint one of their lovelies! I worked more on that Dollzone Hazel head yesterday and today, and I'm almost done with her. I'm going to finish her up tomorrow. I'm also going to teach a friend of mine how to face up in a private workshop. For that I'm going to assemble my little spray booth. Here she is so far. I balanced out the bright red lips with darker and dramatic eyes. I'm actually happy with how it looks so far.
I'm also going to document the Hujoo Nano Freya either today or tomorrow. Well, I am getting things done, although slowly. I sent off approval pics of the Hujoo Nano Freya to his owner this afternoon after some finishing touches. He doesn't have eyes at this point yet, but I'm sure the owner will amend that soon enough. I also picked up another local commission from a friend on her Dollzone Hazel. She asked for bright red lips on her and gave me free range on the eyes. The head is still very much a work in progress. It's been a challenge to work on this head, mostly because the lips are so large on this sculpt that they are kind of overpowering bright red. The eyes are far from done, I'm hoping that they'll help pull the face up together and balance it.
I know, I know, I should have gotten some of these done a while ago, but things have been rather crazy here. I finally had some downtime today and managed to do a face up. Now I only have 2 commissions left. First up the finished pictures of the Withdoll Angela in rosy brown. She's meant to look like a mix between a night elf and a drow. It was quite the challenge to work on that resin color, but I'm overall happy with the end result. And then here we have a Dollzone Moon, who is a really cool little hybrid. Her owner has her on a Doll Chateau Alberta body, and with the head being so big (it's meant to be YoSD) it works great on it. I can't wait to see her put back together again.
Also some FYI. My schedule at work is changing to earlier. I'll be working from 6:00am to 2:30pm Wednesday through Sunday. That is really nice for me because then I get to work on other things in the afternoon, like face ups! With a beautiful 49 degrees outside and everything melting, spring is finally knocking on our door! Too bad it's going to snow again tomorrow. Fortunately it won't stay with how warm it is supposed to be. Either way, I have some new work to show! I finished up the modded DZ April and finally got around to working on the Only Doll RouDie as well. I took one of my liner brushes and trimmed it until it was a 30/0 rather than a 5/0. I'm really happy with how both turned out. I haven't done much with colorful eyeshadow, but I really like how the OnlyDoll turned out. I also really liked the eyelashes I was sent. I wish I could keep the extras, but I'm not, I'm going to send them back. I'll just ask her where they are from. I'm expecting a few more heads soon, so keep an eye out for new work in the next few weeks!
I've been switched to a new work schedule at my job, so now I have Sunday through Tuesday off, but for that I work 4 ten hour shifts a week. I managed to get through one of those on Saturday, so here's to hoping I can get through 4 in a row! I finally finished glossing the heads from the last picture, and got a good chunk painted of the modded DZ April head. I had a lot of fun with these guys, though my eyes were ready to pop out working on the Apple Biki head. It's just so tiny... I also have some WIP shots of the DZ April head. I was originally trying to match her to her default face up, but that quickly proved to be too difficult with just pastels. I valiantly tried for over an hour, before I gave up and just went to town on the head. She is a fantasy character anyway. Basically what I did was mod her eyes to dreaming (first mod I've done like that), I just now need to learn how to use my airbrush so I can colormatch the apoxie sculpt parts to the skin tone better. Oh well, I'll do that next time... The head is no where near done with the paint job.
In other news, the pipe burst in our wall again flooding half the living room this time. We also have a new hole in the wall from that. Hopefully this time when they fix it they won't need to punch another hole in. I was certainly busy yesterday. I painted 3 heads and cleaned up a dreaming eye mod I was working on. From left to right:
Apple Biki Head, Fairyland LTF Baby Ruru, Hujoo Nano Freya, Dollzone April. Not much is left on the painted heads, only gloss and they can all go home. The DZ April head is getting painted hopefully today along with another head I received in the mail yesterday from a commissioner. It's a good thing I bought more MSC recently because I would have been down to just 1 bottle, and that's never enough. I'm safely at 4 bottles now, so I won't need to worry about stocking up again anytime soon... hopefully that is. My tan DZ Stramonium is finally done aesthetic wise, I did the scar on her chest and a partial body blush on her torso. I just can't get over how pretty this doll is. Once I clean up my poor desk again, I will take some good documentation pictures of her body blush and scar mod. For now this will have to do. I really love how the scar turned out, I just wish doing scars took less time (gotta wait for the glue to dry), but oh well. The end result of patience is usually best.
Also I now have most of my commissions in hand, with one more arriving probably today or Monday and then I'll be painting faces like a maniac. I currently have 3 heads to paint, with 1 more arriving. I also finally finished blushing the ears for my penpal, so once I document those I'll be sending them out to her. Someone asked me on a forum to take WIP shots while working on a face up. With Christmas just having been I got a new doll from my dad as a gift, a DZ Stramonium in tan. She is so pretty. I didn't care for the face up she came with so I did my own as soon as possible while taking pictures. The head is clean and sealed and the scar is applied with white (PVA) glue. It takes forever for the glue to dry, so if you're going to do scars, be prepared to wait up to an hour before you can start blushing. The glue dries clear. I always start with eyebrows for two reasons; one, that's how I was taught, and two, it sets the mood for the whole face up. I also blushed the scar a bit to match it to the tan resin. Now to seal again. Blushing applied here and there to bring color and life to the face. I use peach tones and some muted mauve colors to bring depth to the features. After this I seal again to make sure I can detail. Details! Here I flushed out the lips fully, added eyelashes and defined the eyebrows. At this point I'm done with the painting part so now to seal again twice. The final step is to gloss and applying eyelashes. At this point the face up is done. All that's left is to wait for the glue to dry on the eyelashes.
And that concludes my face up process. As you see it really isn't that involved. I will document this face up soon properly to add to my examples. This week I face up-ed one of my own dolls, a Dollzone Miss Kitty. She was being a butt with her eyebrows, it took 5 tries to get them right. She is my 70th face up to date. I'm getting much closer to my goal of 100 completed face ups this year. I have two more commissions incoming this week. I'm also changing jobs. I just got hired into an office setting where I'll be working full time at 5 days a week. For the next three weeks I can only ship on Saturdays because I'm in training Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm. Here she is put together. Once I refine the blushing on her ears I will document those too. I want to get her a DC Kid girl body because her head is so huge and I think she'd be beautiful on one. All in due time.
I finished my temp work as the receptionist at work. Her dad got a lung after all, so now he's recovering and his daughter is coming back today to Minnesota from Ohio to resume work on Monday. I'll still come in to the office, but not as the receptionist. To make things more fun for me I took a doll with me to work almost every day this last week. Yesterday it was Val. There's Val pouting wanting to go home, but I still had about 2.5 hours to go at that point. Just look at that cute face, it was so hard to tell him no. Too bad he turned into a butt once I tried to get home. Brat dropped one of his ears under my car so I had to lay down on the filthy ground to get it out. And then he popped off his wig. Brat...
Also I'm still waiting on a doll to arrive to work on, I should ask again if she's been shipped yet. Otherwise I have no dolls to work on currently. |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
December 2024