Hello and welcome back to the blog part of my website! I took my sweet time with getting around to posting about what I painted in July.
Honestly, it wasn't much, but at least I managed to do a new a faceup on my Mystic Kids Miri, and I finally was able to finish up the BonBon Galaxy Killer Whale body and hair pieces! It's as I always say, some is better than none. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the read more break!
Hello and welcome back to the blog section of my site. It's about dang time I posted the detail shots of work completed in May 2024. It was a light month for me, so I only painted 3 faceups and finished most of a complex body blush with tattoos that goes with one of the faceups.
I got to paint a BonBon Galaxy Bone Fish and a Killer Whale faceplate respectively (still need to finish the body from the latter), and I painted an Island Doll First Shukaku (new) on the first 46cm Strong Boy body. Before I jump into the main part of the blog, I wanted to thank you all for sticking with me and commissioning me. It's really helpful in my current situation to have this support. So thank you! Oh, and I restructured my examples page for how I display completed faceups. There was a bug on my website editing web platform that caused all of my faceup examples to just, poof. The software engineers were able to fix the issue after some hours, and restored my images, but they were in the wrong order and without the descriptions. So I finally took the plunge and redid that section. I don't know if I should post older examples into the Glam section, since I've trying to stay within the last 2 years. Please let me know in the comments what you think, thanks!! Now without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! Well this is embarrassing, I completely forgot to post a blog for the faceups I finished in April, whoops. Well, as they say, better late than never!
I did not get much done in April sadly, only two faceups and a tiny body/fantasy blushing. But hey, at least I got something to show! The things I did get done and worked on were commissions, so I am glad they are completed to the clients' satisfaction. I worked on a Luts SeniorDelf Karis and I fully customized a Penny's Box Antu Neon centaur. It'll be a short post today, as I don't have much to show. But without further ado, onto the pictures and rambling under the break! Hello and welcome back everyone! November is half a month back and I'm just now getting to posting the work I completed that past month.
It wasn't a lot as commissions have slowed to a halt since then, but hey, some is better than none! I do need to advertise my commissions properly again, though at this time of year there are fewer commissions due to the holiday season and events from doll companies. Just a quick touch on the FYI: I raised my prices by €5 each service. Rent has gone up, again, and gas and electric prices are sky high, so I gotta adjust my prices accordingly to survive. Thank you for understanding. All existing estimates will be honored of course! Anyway, things to show today are the two Fairyland RealFee girl bodies, a Dream Valley Olivia and her bunny ears, and my own Dollzone Raymond-1, who newly arrived. So without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! Hello and welcome to Autumn! I was a very busy bee in September, more so than I have been most of this year regarding BJD work. I am almost through all of my commissions that I have on me currently (just 2 body blushes including mani- and pedicures are missing) until the next ones arrive.
Anyway, things that I worked on and completed this past September are two Luts ZuzuDelf Minimi Corni faceups with their bodies and pedestals also painted, a modded Resinsoul Ju on a modded Resinsoul Zhen body and fantasy parts blushing, and then faceups on a Peakswoods Lune the Dark Elf, a Peakswoods Goldie, a Mystic Kids Elisa Elf, an Akagidoll Yusri, and a Msytic Kids Petra. I also started on the two RealFees but didn't finish them until this month (October) so they'll be in the next update. Important to mention, this blog post contains full (doll) nudity! Be advised, that this is a long blog post. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the read more break! Hello everyone and happy midway through September! I've been a busy bee this past month and I'll be sharing a few things from August. In August I spent more time digitally drawing than painting dolls, but for that I did get some things doll-wise done too.
Things to share is a Dream Valley Bor from my personal collection, a Luts Kid Delf Summer Event head from 2017, my Simply Divine Thomas, and the Soom SG Obsidius Archangel wings from the "Ode, an der Abgrund" release. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! I'm a little late to posting the work of June, but as they say, better late than never!
I was a busy bee this past month, completing 4 faceups, a full body blush, an extensive chest and arm tattoo and some fantasy parts. One faceup (MYOU 1/6 Gina) I cannot show as the sealant bubbled right before I took documentation pictures. I did document it, but wiped it shortly after. I will redo it during this month, the client is alright with this. Anyway, on the list to share is a Dream Valley Apocalypse Horseman Withered, a YBee Doll Nora and her body, and last but not least is a Luts Kid Delf Zuzu Corni, her fantasy parts (ears and tail), and her body (Luts KDF Girl Romantic Body), which also received a mani/pedicure. So without ado, onto the pictures and ramblings under the cut! As many of you have already seen, I have reopened commissions a week ago on my birthday. I am still open to accepting a few more slots, so if you need a faceup from within the EU, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
I was a busy bee in March, so I got quite a few more things to show to finish up the month with work I've completed. There's 2 faceups and 3 body blushes, so please be aware there is doll nudity in this post. Today I will share a Granado 15Ascent Ninth and his body, a Maskcat Doll 2020 Anniversary Event Cat doll, and the biggest of my commissions this round, a Dollzone Chun who got the full treatement including mods. So without further ado, onto the pictures under the read more break! It's been a long time since I've posted a blog entry on here, despite having plenty to share. I was gone for 6 weeks spanning through January and February, and got horribly sick again upon getting home. At least I've been healthy this March and have been making up for it!
First and foremost, the FYI: I am finally getting ready to reopen my commission slots, and am planning to open them on my birthday, which is coming up this Saturday, April 1st. This year I'll likely not be doing a sale for that as the cost of living has risen drastically. Speaking of that, I will be raising my base prices by €5-10, as it's been a while since I last did an increase and to be honest, I undercharge for my skill and experience level. This increase won't come until mid April, and of course I will honor all existing estimates. So get your commission forms ready for the next weekend! Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of sculpts I will share work on today: Faceup and body blushing on a FateMoons Puu, faceup on a Dollzone Scorpio, Simply Divine Richard, and a body blushing on a Fairyland MNF A-Line Muscular Boy body with two sets of hands and tattoos. I have more but don't want to make this post eternally long. Also fair warning, there is doll nudity towards the end of this post! Without further ado, onto some pictures! Well, I got hit hard with the crud in December and wasn’t as productive as I hoped I’d be. I did manage some work before I succumbed to illness in the beginning of the month, but it was way less than I planned for. Oh well, at least I did get some things done!
Things I have to show for today are a Popovy Sisters Tawny Owl on Body IV in coral skin, a Fairyland Feeple60 El Elf Event A 2021 head, and a Doll Family-H 1/3 scale Small bust piece. The last two belong together so. Just as a quick warning, this post does contain doll nudity. Without further ado, onto some pictures and blathering under the break! Thank you to everyone that has commissioned me since I opened up commissions in October. It took a bit to get my slots filled up, so I haven't officially closed commissions yet. October I didn't have terribly much to work on, but I do have some things to share! Today I am only sharing the work I did in October, November has already been busy and it's only day 9.
Things I worked on and completed in October are a Popovy Sisters Bony on the Body III, then a Popovy Sisters Little Owl on the Body II, a Frappzilla Moon Polaris, and my Kana Doll No. 8 Lucien. Please note that there is full doll nudity in this post as I did two body blushes. Without further ado, onto some pictures below the break! I have good news this rainy last day of September. I have pretty much caught up with all my outstanding commissions, to the point I finally feel ready to take on more work. I haven't been commission-less these past couple of months, taken on some here and there. I admit I was dealing with some creative burnout, but I am finally getting back on track.
So this FYI's TL;DR is that I am reopening commissions this coming week! I am aiming for opening slots on Wednesday October 5th, 2022. Important to mention is that I can only take on heads and mani/pedicures this round as I have two full body commissions on me right now that recently arrived, and to prevent a heavy backlog I want to limit how many body blushes I do a round. Thank you for understanding! Now that that's out of the way, I have a lot of new work to show! I got a Birdcube Lipu head and bunny ears, a Dream Valley Bustet body, a Dream Valley Rita, an Autumn Goblin Tales Mossling (all 5 faceplates and the body), as well as a Smart Doll Chaos V01 to show off. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here. I have quite a bit of work to share since I had Covid-19 again the first two weeks of August. I have been posting the collages to the Examples section here, along with some new owner pics as well.
Despite this run of Covid being mild, it still fatigued me horribly and it's taken me quite a while to get back into the swing of working on commissions. I have finished 5 faceups, 2 body blushes, and some fantasy parts since then. Today I will only share the work I still completed in August, otherwise it's just too long of a blog post. Things to share are a Fairyland MNF Alicia, a Popovy Sisters Blue Jay and her body, and a Soom Heliot Fantasy head from the Cosmos release. Without further ado, onto the pictures and ramblings under the break! I don't have as much work to show for the month of June as I normally do as I was sick for half of it. But I did manage to get some stuff worked on and finished before and on the tailend of my illness.
I still have lots of commissions to finish up, so slots will remain closed for now until my load lightens a bit. Thank you for understanding, I am hoping to re-open slots at the end of this month. I got two faceups and a body blush done in June. One faceup is on a Faewoods Dolls Delphinium, and the other was done on a Doll Leaves Betty along with her body. Without further ado, onto some pictures and rambling under the break! It's been quite a while since I've posted a blog update here, so for once I am doing the FYI first and then I will go over the new work I've completed. It's quite a bit, some personal work, and I will put the images under the read more break as usual.
The FYI I will keep above it as I feel it is important to make it properly visible without needing to open the blog post. ------- The FYI: I've really dropped the ball for several months now, and I would like to apologize for that. I've been struggling with my mental health more so than usual, and dealing with the post-Covid-19 effects has been draining and tiring. I lost my job right when I got sick with Covid-19 and have been on sick leave since trying to recover both physically and mentally. I'd also like to thank everyone who has or wants to commission me for your patience. My communication has been spotty at best the last 7 months... I am almost done with my humongous commission backlog, there's one left where I am waiting on the approval on the mod-plan before I dive into that one as well. The rest just need to be mailed (though every remaining box requires custom forms). Since July 1st, the EU has implemented a new system for taxing packages and goods from abroad (outside of the EU). There is no more minimum threshold for avoiding VAT charges (which are 20% of the declared value in Austria), which certainly puts a damper on things... I am still willing to accept non-EU commissions, but please be aware that the client/commissioner will be accountable for the custom fees. Another thing I want to touch on is that I can only accept 1 full body commission per openings. And the more complex it is the longer it's gonna take me. I'm sorry, I just don't want to fall as far behind as this past year. Thank you for understanding! ------ New Work: Now that that is all written down, let me go over what sculpts I worked on the past few months: For faceups I repainted my Dollzone Daomiao-2 (again) and for body work I finished up the Doll Leaves 43cm V2 Girl body blush, as well as 3 sets of Resinsoul MSD Jointed Hands. Without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
November 2024