Hello and welcome back to the blog portion of my website! I had a very productive June completing 10 faceups, and a few fantasy parts. For that July has been slow for me, but I was able to return several commissions back to their owners.
Things I painted are a Dollzone April (classic), Dream Valley Alter and his horns, Haru Casting Day, Sprouting Dragon Zilu, Loongsoul ShenLuo Western White Tiger, Soom SG Chrom, Hopeful Creation Ana, Pipos R.PI Charlotte and her hands and tail, and a FenJieXian Elf Series 1.0 Number 1 and Number 3. I will only post the first 5 for this post, because I know no one is gonna want to sit through that long of a blog post. Hell, I'm exhausted just thinking about writing about 10 faceups in a single post. So yeah, let's get to part 1 under the break!
Hello and welcome back to my blog everyone! I had a busy month of repainting my own dolls as I hadn't gotten any commissions in yet, but felt the need to keep busy!
I repainted some of my older dolls, and a few newer ones, along with a set to sell. I was trying to be conservative with my MSC, because I'd been struggling to find some in stock within the EU, but I was finally successful just this past Friday. I'd been waiting on a restock of it since early December, so I suppose it was good I didn't have any commissions in that time, hah! But anyway, the dolls I repainted are my Dollzone Po, Dollzone Stramonium, Dollzone Shoyo, Fairyland LTF Juri 2013 x3, and a set of Fairyland LTF Rendia open and sleeping eye faceplates, which I intend to list for sale. So without further ado, onto some pictures and rambling under the break! Hello and welcome back everyone! November is half a month back and I'm just now getting to posting the work I completed that past month.
It wasn't a lot as commissions have slowed to a halt since then, but hey, some is better than none! I do need to advertise my commissions properly again, though at this time of year there are fewer commissions due to the holiday season and events from doll companies. Just a quick touch on the FYI: I raised my prices by €5 each service. Rent has gone up, again, and gas and electric prices are sky high, so I gotta adjust my prices accordingly to survive. Thank you for understanding. All existing estimates will be honored of course! Anyway, things to show today are the two Fairyland RealFee girl bodies, a Dream Valley Olivia and her bunny ears, and my own Dollzone Raymond-1, who newly arrived. So without further ado, onto some pictures under the break! It's been a long time since I've posted a blog entry on here, despite having plenty to share. I was gone for 6 weeks spanning through January and February, and got horribly sick again upon getting home. At least I've been healthy this March and have been making up for it!
First and foremost, the FYI: I am finally getting ready to reopen my commission slots, and am planning to open them on my birthday, which is coming up this Saturday, April 1st. This year I'll likely not be doing a sale for that as the cost of living has risen drastically. Speaking of that, I will be raising my base prices by €5-10, as it's been a while since I last did an increase and to be honest, I undercharge for my skill and experience level. This increase won't come until mid April, and of course I will honor all existing estimates. So get your commission forms ready for the next weekend! Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of sculpts I will share work on today: Faceup and body blushing on a FateMoons Puu, faceup on a Dollzone Scorpio, Simply Divine Richard, and a body blushing on a Fairyland MNF A-Line Muscular Boy body with two sets of hands and tattoos. I have more but don't want to make this post eternally long. Also fair warning, there is doll nudity towards the end of this post! Without further ado, onto some pictures! I have managed to send off all the remaining boxes of commissions I had completed so it was time to re-open slots! If you've been waiting for a chance to commission me, now is the time!
Anyway, I have a couple of new faceups to share here today! In today's post I will show a Doll Leaves Evan with the long elf ears, a LoongSoul ShenLuo beast version (whose faceup I don't really like how it turned out, but I will redo it at a later date), and a Telesthesia Doll Long Tianqi. All of them are my own dolls. Without further ado, onto the pictures under the break! With being out of commissions to currently do, I decided to repainted a floating head of mine as an alt-head for one of my own dolls. Her last face up was stubborn to remove, but hey, it didn't stain! The head is an Impldoll Azalea Elf, and her last face up I "lovingly" nicknamed the Candy Abomination. Without further ado, onto the pictures! So here we have my spare Impldoll Azalea Elf head in real skin. I decided to give her a glam look as my doll's other head is naturally painted without any make up. This face up took roughly 3 hours to complete, like half an hour of that was waiting for the glue to dry! Here we have her two heads side by side. I painted the left head back in 2016 I think, so it's been a while! My blushed has definitely gotten softer and with better gradients. I also added "piercings" to her glam head that I painted yesterday, as the character is meant to have a bunch of them. They're just glued on though. And I'll end this entry with the comparison of the face ups on this head. Now you can see what I mean with "candy abomination" on the before face up. Though I do love the new one!
That's all for now, until next time! I was a busy bee this week! I managed to crank out two more face ups, and did some maintenance on one of the dolls. I worked on an Anhais Studio Jupiter head, that was modled after Kylo Ren from the new Star Wars movies. I also worked on an old boy, a Dream of Doll Too. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up is the Dream of Doll Too in what we can assume is normal skin. He's so old that his headcap stays on by placing the S-hook in it. So I had to take him apart from the feet going up. I was given free reign on his face up, and decided to go a bit of a fantasy route along the eyes. He needed a bunch of other work too as his torso stabiliser had come loose, so I glued that back in place, restrung, and sueded him. Now he stands like a rock! Here's a quick snapshot with my cell phone of him with his clothes and wig on. I could even get him to stand with a knee bent after I was done with him! Anyway, now onto the next face up! Here is the Anhais Studio Jupiter head that is based on Adam Driver, the actor who plays Kylo Ren in the new Star Wars films. Doing scars is always a fun, and annoying process because I use the PVA glue method. So it can take forever to dry depending on the size of the scar. Jupiter up there has a pretty big one, so I had to wait quite a while before I was able to start on the blushing part. I actually really love how his eyebrows turned out. I tried a more realistic approach to them rather than my usual style. Definitely paid off on such a realistic head!
Anyway, that's all from me for now. Until next time! Since I was out of commissions this past week, I decided to blush the torso of my LoongSoul 69cm small bust body in normal pink skin. I have one more commission on me that I just recently received, so once it stops snowing I'll be working on that head too. It's a Luts SDF 2016 Summer Event head that I recently sold to a friend.
Anyway, onto some pictures! I'll put them under the cat as they are NSFW in nature due to the nudity! I hope everyone's had a good slide into the new year, I certainly did! I finally got the doll I ordered back in September on January 2nd, and I spent New Year's Eve with my sister and some friends. It was nice! Plus my wife is coming back for at least another 90 days on the 18th of this month! YAY!!
For the new work I have a Doll Love YouYou to show who I finished painting in December but was waiting on eyelashes, and my new girl, a LoongSoul ShenLuo Western White Tiger. Without further ado, pictures under the cut! I'm on a roll! I repainted Mort, my Dragondoll Cheng in white skin, finally!! Only took me, what, 5 and a half years? I somehow stripped the years off of him though as he's usually meant to be an older character. Now he kind of looks like a J-pop star or something. I blame the eyelashes. I'm leaving the face up in place to see if it grows on me more. Without further ado, onto some pictures! Seems like my last few face ups have all been a very blue theme, though this guy is meant to have light blue skin but is white so I blushed him accordingly. He's yellowed a lot over the last 6 years, he used to be a lot brighter in color! No big deal though, he's from 2009 and I've owned him since 2011 (I'm his first owner, poor guy sat in a warehouse for 2 years!). He was a gift from my mom for Christmas, but I got him during the Junkyspot black Friday sale in 2011. Here are all the face ups he's had to date. The top left corner was his company default and made him look like a vulcan drag queen. Nothing against Vulcans, drag queens, or a combo, but he simply isn't one. The top right face up was my 8th face up ever, but I didn't have his wig yet so I couldn't properly color match. Then the bottom left was my 20th face up that I kept on him for over 5 years because it was just that perfect. It became outdated though... now the bottom right face up is his current look where I tried to give him eyelashes again for my 308th face up. We'll see how long I keep this face up on him. Hopefully not another 5.5 years! At least now I know that my face ups can stand the test of time, haha! I'll end the post here with a dashing picture of him put together. Until next time!
Now that everything is put away and we're all settled in Vienna, I'm finally open for commissions again! My prices are a little higher than they used to be, but I feel I've improved enough since the last price raise almost a year ago to warrant it. I switched my prices into Euro from US Dollars. Now for the new work! I finally repainted Susi, my April Story Betty in normal skin, as I never liked her old face up. Plus the booger chipped the blushing along her nose! Without further ado, onto some pictures! I decided to give her piercings this time around as she's a punk-type character. I'm much much happier with the eyelashes this time around, and the scar too! Here's a quick before and after comparison of the face ups. Both are by me, but the second is much better in my opinion. There isn't even that much time between the two face ups. I guess I was more patient with the second one! I'll end this post with the picture of her put together above.
Maybe for my next face up I'll finally repaint Mort, my Dragondoll Cheng! He's had the same face up for a good 5 years now, if not longer! Until next time! I finally got some more work done this week! I finished up the Fairyland MNF Rohan for the same client as the Impldoll Martin, and then I took some time to paint one of my own dolls that I had just recently received. She's an April Story Betty on the new SD16 body. Anyway, onto some pictures! First up is the Fairyland MNF Rohan in tan skin. She's meant to be a snow queen. I was given a ton of references as a mood board and I took it from there. The client loves how she looks. I just wish I could get a good shot of how nicely the lips and eyes shimmer between blue and purple. Pictures just do the work no justice... I'm excited to see some owner pictures! And then here's my April Story Betty in normal skin. I got her secondhand and she's got a bright blue wig, so blue eyebrows and lashes were a must! Also the scar was necessary too (fell on her face as a child in some gravel trying to skateboard). I'm not entirely happy with the eyelashes, but for now the face up can stay so she's not blank. I'm over all pleased with the face up. Quick picture of her put together. I need to trim the bangs on the wig and thin the volume out in the back. It's ridiculously fluffy, but I love the color. She also stole my Skullery necklace. Why are my dolls such thieves??
Anyway, until next time! We're supposed to get snow tomorrow, so we'll have to see if I get anymore face ups done! I finally got one of the big guys done, the Impldoll Idol SGB Boy body in tan skin. I had already finished his face a few weeks ago, but then I had to blush his body and add a scar onto his thigh to look like a shark bite. Word or the wise, do not look up "shark bite scars" on google if you don't want to see a bunch of fresh wounds. I finally gave up trying to find a good reference and improvised. Anyway, onto some pictures! Here we have the detail shots of the body. So much work went into the blushing and then I had to restring him. Surprisingly he was easier to restring than the Iplehouse FID Lawrence I have to blush. He was floppy and needed a restringing so he'll be next to get blushed. He already has a face up, so he just needs a body blush! Fortunately he's MSD sized, unlike this guy who's roughly 72cm tall. I was sent his wig too to color-match his eyebrows and the such. I struggled a bit with trying to figure out which way was up or down for it. I even made this guy a little shark tooth necklace made of a real fossilized shark tooth I got while on vacation. I have more of them, as my doll Jazz needs one.
Until next time! I'm finally on a roll again and have more new work to show! This time I do have documentation of the Fairyland RealFee Sira, along with a Volks DD Estel Freesia and a Luts SSDF Summer Event 2016 head. Today I'm hoping to work on some more face ups as well! Without further ado, onto some pictures! First up is the Fairyland RealFee Sira in natural skin. She's got such a cute little mischievous face! Now just to get some owner pictures of her, she's got the cutest little orange mohair wig. Then next up we have the Volks DD Estel Freesia head in normal skin I think. Poor gal is a little stained along the top of her head from what I think a wig. She also came with a face up which took quite a bit of elbow grease to remove. I did not do the ear mod, a previous artist did. Then here we have the Luts SSDF Summer Event 2016 head in normal skin. Smoky eyes are always an interesting challenge for me, but I think I did a decent job with it! He still needs some applied eyelashes, but otherwise he's done.
Until next time! I just had a super busy weekend working on personal projects as I was waiting on some more commissions to come in. On Friday I finally got around to blushing my Dollzone Sawarieda body (it has a DZ Minas head). I'm sadly not done yet, but I'm happy with where I did stop. Then on Sunday I worked on my Impldoll Azalea elf that just arrived on Saturday. I did a quick face up on her in the morning as there was a doll meet the same day. I don't have the best pictures of the Sawarieda body blushing, but I have some I'd like to show! Mainly what is left to do is add scales to all her tail petals. It's going to take forever but it'll be totally worth it! Now for the Impldoll Azalea elf in real skin. She represents one of my oldest characters who I've had running around in my head and writing since I was 14 years old. Without further ado, have some pictures! I had a lot of fun with her scars, I always forget how much I enjoy doing them on dolls. She initially fought me on the placement of them, but once I got them "right" everything else was smooth sailing. I'm very happy that I was able to paint her so quickly and still have it look nice.
Now to focus on commissions again. Until next time! |
Iza's Face UpsWelcome to the blog area of my site. Here you get to see my progress shots and the such of what I work on. Also I post news here. Enjoy! To Do List:
August 2024